Sleepy Little Town

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One day, as they’re wrapping up a call during one of LA’s rare rainy days, Bobby and Buck find a moment to talk.

“So my wife told me you got a chance to spend some time with Eddie and his son.”

Buck smiles at the mention of it, but doesn’t say anything, other than a, “Yeah, guess so.”

But Bobby’s not done, “I’m guessing you heard what happened to his wife?”

Judging by Buck’s surprised look, Bobby can safely assume he has not. “Car accident. About a year or two ago. Hurt Eddie something terrible, especially since she’d only just reappeared back in his life, after walking out on them when Chris was smaller.”

Buck’s heart aches when he hears that, but quickly brushes it off when Bobby moves on, “Looks like the rain’s gonna let up pretty soon. Which means we’re probably gonna start getting a lot more calls.”

With that, Bobby walks away.

Later, when Buck’s leaving the station at the end of his shift, he hears behind him,

“Hey, Buck!”

Buck turns, and watches Eddie catch up to him, telling him, “Your paint came in. I actually have it with me in the car, if you want to grab it now.”

What the hell, not like he has a choice. “Alright.” Buck says reluctantly, following Eddie to his car.

As Eddie pulls the can from the back seat, Buck’s confused when Eddie pulls another one out, until he hears Eddie say,

“Had some spare primer taking up space. Thought maybe you wanted to use that before you painted your floors.”

That clears up the confusion, as well as leaves Buck embarrassed. “Oh, wow. You’re so right. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that.”

Eddie holds up his keys, “I can give you a lift too, if you want.”

Buck immediately declines, “Oh, god, no, you don’t have to do that. I’m more than capable.”

Eddie gives Buck an incredulous look, “You’re actually gonna walk all the way to your house, carrying two paint cans?”

Buck nods, “That was the plan.”

Eddie tries again, “Are you--”

Buck cuts him off before Eddie can object again, “Yes.”, and walks away, now kicking himself for letting Eddie put the order in for him in the first place.

The further away Buck gets, the longer Eddie stares after him, torn between forgetting about it altogether and catching up with Buck and demanding he let Eddie drive him home.

But it looks like Buck’s gonna make that decision for him, as he sets the paint cans down about a block away, curling his fingers to help with the cramping, turns around, and smiles sheepishly.

Smug, Eddie gets in his car and pulls up to where Buck’s waiting, getting the paint cans in the backseat and pointing his car towards Buck’s house.

They don’t really talk, Buck massaging his hands, and Eddie listening to an audiobook.

In an attempt to make polite conversation, Eddie points out, “It’s, uh, Dr. Seuss.”

That makes Buck look up, so Eddie goes on, “Christopher loves him. And it’s not like I can complain. Could be a lot worse, you know? I got other stuff, if you’d rather listen to somethin else.”

Buck shakes his head, “Nah, it’s fine.”

Then they reach Buck’s place, so their conversation’s cut short, both of them getting out and Eddie going to grab for the paint and primer before Buck can, then follows Buck up to the front door.

Buck stops him, “Just leave it on the porch.” 

Eddie tries to assure Buck, “I can bring it in for you.”, and tries to move past Buck.

Buck won’t let him, though, and says more firmly, “No, really. It’s fine. Thank you.”

Taking the hint, Eddie sets the cans down, “Alright. Just gonna leave them right here.”

Then Eddie walks away, tossing a, “See you.”, over his shoulder as he walks back to his car.

Buck grabs the paint cans and starts to carry them inside, but the he hears,

“Oh wait!”

Buck quickly sets the cans down inside, looking back as Eddie holds up a paper bag, explaining, “Got some other stuff I think you might need.”, and tosses it up to where Buck’s standing. “You know, so you can sand it down before you put the primer down--” But that just reminds Eddie he already said that, so he stops himself, “You already know that. I’m gonna go.”

Buck’s quick to say, “Thanks.”, as he finally steps inside the front door, watching Eddie start up his car and pull away.

Closing the door, leaning against it, Buck can’t help but feel a pang of wistfulness.

As Eddie keeps driving, the Dr. Seuss audiotape still going, he feels that same sadness sink in, one he hadn’t felt until he started driving way.

The next day, after Buck’s put the primer down, he starts the actual painting part, with Shannon watching, telling him, “Love the color. Really brightens up the room.”

Buck agrees easily, “Yeah, I like it.”

But apparently Shannon has something else on her mind, as she asks him, “You planning on sticking around for a while?”

Buck pauses his painting to nod, smiling, “Yeah, maybe.”, then goes to dip his brush in the blue paint.

On another part of the city, on his off days, Eddie spends it hammering in his garage, in between looking after Christopher when his abuela can’t or it’s the babysitter’s day off.

Because Buck didn’t really think it through, Buck’s stuck playing The Floor is Lava while the paint dries, having to get creative with how he navigates himself around the kitchen.

Then he’s in bed, reading a book, before finally falling asleep, happy with how the floor turned out.

The door bangs open, and Buck’s slamming it shut behind him, out of breath as the knife drops from his hand.

Quickly, he scrambles to grab some clothes and stuff it in a plastic baggie, terrified of getting caught.

When he finally opens the door again, he opens it agonizingly slowly, body in complete fight or flight mode as he becomes hyper aware of his surroundings, walking through the house, ready to defend himself if he’s caught off guard, bag clutched in his hand.

When he reaches the front of the house, he sees Jeremy’s arm, still lying there where Buck left him, and quickly, Buck tiptoes around Jeremy, and the second he’s in the clear, sprints to the back door, and makes his escape into freedom.

Buck startles awake in a cold sweat, heart pounding, and when he sees a flash of light outside, Buck freezes.

Then when he hears a noise, Buck quickly gets up, scrambling to find the door, then quickly locks it, backing away.

Only to regret it a second later when he realizes he just backed into the kitchen, where the floor’s still not dry.


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