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The ticking of a clock is what finally snaps Eddie out of his haze, and when he sees what time it is, he’s dashing back to his car.

If there’s a chance he can catch Buck before he leaves, he has to do it.

Which turns out to be thought out better in his head, as he eventually gets stuck in traffic, and upon looking outside, he can see the long line of cars ahead of him.

That won’t do, Eddie decides as he opens his car door, and runs towards the bus station.

Sure enough, he sees Buck, and quickly calls out, “Buck. Buck!”

When Buck doesn’t turn around, Eddie walks right up to him, grabbing his arm, stopping him.

Seeing Eddie’s not going to let him go easily, Buck stops, sighing, “Eddie..I can’t.”, as he tries to move past him.

Eddie throws out his arms to block the path, quickly telling him, “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sorry.”

That gets Buck to stop, so Eddie uses that to continue,

“Buck, please, don’t go.”

But Buck knows he can’t do that, shaking his head, “No. You were right the whole time, Eddie. I have to get going.”

Buck tries to move past Eddie, as he tells him,

“He’ll find me, he’ll find us.”

Eddie reaches out an arm to stop Buck, “Whos whoa whoa, wait a second. Just-just tell me what’s going on. Tell me what happened. If you’re in serious trouble, we can take it to the police. Talk to Athena.”

But Buck can’t let Eddie do that, “Eddie, you don’t get it. He is the police.”

That finally leaves Eddie stunned silent, so Buck goes on,

“My husband is a cop in Hershey. That’s why he was able to put that flier out.”

Buck turns again, sure that’s going to be it, only to be stopped again when this time Eddie stands right in front of him.

“Hey, look at me. I don’t care, okay? I’m not gonna let him hurt you again.”

Buck wants to believe that so badly, but he can’t, shaking his head to distance himself.

Seeing this, Eddie repeats, making sure Buck knows he means it. “I. Am not. Going. To let him. Hurt you. Again.”

But Buck’s too smart to hang his hopes on a fantasy, and says, “It doesn’t matter anyway. I can’t put you through that. I can’t put your son through that.”, hoping Eddie notices he’s still respecting Eddie’s earlier order to not say Chris’ name.

“He’s never going to stop. He’s always going to be out there.”

Eddie doesn’t even try stopping Buck with his hands this time, instead just says, almost begging, “Buck, I need you to listen to me. Please.”

Buck knows he can’t afford to waste any more time here than he has to, but that all goes out the window when Eddie says,

“I’m in love with you.”

That manages to bring whatever else Buck was going to say to a screeching halt, but Eddie’s not finished.

“I’m in love with you, Buck, and if you stay, I swear to you, there’s no place safer as right here with me and Chris.”

Buck argues weakly, resolve breaking, “I’m scared, Eddie.”

Eddie reaches out to touch Buck, hands on his shoulder as he makes Buck look at him, “I know you are. But you don’t have to be anymore. You don’t have to be scared of him ever again.”

Buck’s mind is racing a mile a minute, knowing he should get on the bus, and never look back, for Eddie and Chris’ sake, if not just his own.

But before he can say or do anything, Eddie’s right there in front of him, hands on Buck’s head as he whispers in a shaky voice, “I love you, and I want you to stay, Buck.”

Whatever resolve Buck had shatters in an instant, and Buck pulls Eddie in, kissing him hard.

Eventually, they pull away, but they hold on with all their might, refusing to let go, Eddie scared Buck’s going to bolt, Buck scared he’s dreaming and will wake up any moment.

However long they stand there, they don't know, or even care, as they just stay right where they are, arms holding on tightly as the bus disappears behind them.

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