I Only Have Eyes for You

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"You just turn so cold like...like you're frozen, killing all life inside it. You just feel so trapped, like nothing you do will ever thaw you out. And I just kept enabling him." Buck tells Eddie, as they crawl into bed together.

Eddie keeps listening patiently, as Buck goes on, "Because it was always my fault. Never his. And you're trapped in the ice."

Here Buck has to stop, even going as far as to cover his face with his hands in shame, as the tears fall freely.

But Eddie's not about to let Buck hide from him again, reaching out a hand to stroke up and down Buck's back, "Hey, it's okay. It's okay. You're safe now."

Buck manages to say, "I've never talked about this with anyone before."

Eddie's quick to say, "I am so glad to have you here, Buck."

This much Buck can admit, "I am too.", but it doesn't stop him from breaking down crying all over again.

"It's all going to be okay, Buck. I promise."

With that, Eddie leans in to kiss Buck, and for the moment, they don't need to say anything else.

In Hershey, the upper bedroom light turns off, that’s Jeremy’s cue to make his move.

Thanks to the unauthorized stakeout, he knows one of the windows is slightly cracked open, and uses it as a means of getting inside.

He quietly searches the house, with only a pen light, until he sees an address book.

He almost pounces on it, flipping through it frantically until he finds a piece of paper that might be useful, then pockets it.

Then he sees the answering machine, sees there’s still one unheard message. Curious, he presses the play button.

As the machine states the time and date, Jeremy quickly covers it, to muffle the noise, knowing he’s hit the jackpot when he hears his husband’s voice,

"I know, I should’ve called a while ago, but I wanted to tell you…"

He doesn’t hear the rest, because he hears a door open, and quickly pauses the message, not moving as the old woman walks to the bathroom, without seeing him.

Once the door closes, he pushes the button again, and as he listens Buck’s voice, 

"I finally made it somewhere safe.”

He jots down the phone number listed on the caller ID.

The phone rings when Jeremy dials the number, as he speeds down the road, then he hears,

You’ve reached Station 118 of the Los Angeles Fire Department. All of our members are either on a call or otherwise occupied. Please leave your contact information, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Or contact us at LAFDBrush@lacity.org .

The more he listens, the more Jeremy has to fight to calm himself down, even going so far as to slap himself.

He takes a drink from the bottle of scotch he'd bought at some point, to settle his nerves.

Come hell or high water, he's going to get his husband back, and if it's the last thing he ever does, he's taking Buck with him.

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