Heart's Content

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Buck’s just walking along the boardwalk, when he hears someone call out,

“Hey, Buck!”

Buck stops to look, and sure enough Bobby’s standing close to the edge with a fishing pole, offering, “Come give it a shot.”

Buck considers it, before shaking his head, “I uh, don’t really know anything about fishing.”

Bobby pushes, “Come on, you can do it. It’s a 118 tradition.”

Buck hesitates for another second, then gives in, “Alright, I’ll give it a go. Show me what to do.”

Bobby hands him the pole, “You just cast the line with some bait, and wait for a fish to bite.”

Buck looks a little taken aback by this, “I just cast a line, huh?”

Bobby quickly points out, “Look, I think I see one now. Give it a whirl.”

Buck holds off, then just casts the line out, careful to not hit anyone.

Within seconds, there’s a pull on the line.

“Oh wow. I got one!”

The next day, Buck drops something packed in newspaper over to Eddie’s house, and unwraps it.

Naturally, Eddie’s confused. “What’s this for?”

Buck explains, clearly proud of himself. “This right here is what you call a gift.”

Seeing he has Eddie’s attention, Buck goes on, “This is a thank you gift.”

Now Eddie doesn’t know whether to be confused or surprises, “A what..did you actually catch this?”

Buck nods, “Yeah, I did.”

Eddie holds it up by the tail, which prompts Buck to wrinkle his nose, “That’s disgusting.”

At that, Eddie sets it back down. “But you know I can’t accept this. You really need to stop being so nice to me.”

Buck parrots Eddie’s own words back at him, “I could do that. Or, and I’m just spitballing here, you could just say thank you.”

Eddie picks up on it immediately, and concedes, “Okay, you’re right. Thank you, for this...thank you fish.”, and wraps the fish back up.

As Buck snickers, Eddie tells him, “Let’s get this in the fridge.”

As they’re walking to the kitchen, Chris stops them, asking, “Did Carla leave already?”

Eddie apologizes, “Yeah, but don’t worry, bud. I’ll drive you over.”

Buck calls out, “Hey, Superman.”

Chris greets him, “Hey.”, then turns back to Eddie. “Can I have a snack?”

Eddie scans the kitchen, then tells Chris, “I’ll grab some apple slices.”

Seeing how busy Eddie is, Buck tells him, “You’ll have to tell me how the fish turns out.”

Eddie turns his head to reply, “Oh I’m sure it’s gonna be great. We’ll probably even grill it tonight.”

Buck nods, watching Eddie slice up an apple, “I actually have no idea how to grill a fish, but is it safe to say you do?”

Eddie replies, “It’s actually really easy. I like to go out fishing on a rental boat. You ever go fishing on a rental boat?”

Buck almost replies, but is interrupted when Chris calls, “Daaaaaaddy.”

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