Blue Ain't Your Color

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As Buck walks towards the city, who should he bump into but Christopher, out on what looks like his front lawn, only the screen door closed, and upon seeing Buck, smiles and waves.

“Hi, Buck!”

Buck smiles back easily, “Hey, Superman.”

Meanwhile, inside, Athena’s talking to Eddie, in the kitchen, while his abuela’s drinking tea at the table, “You know, you haven’t had Christopher over to play with May and Harry in a while. He’s growing up pretty fast.”

Outside, Buck stops to ask, “What’re you doing?”

Chris tells him, “Coloring.”

Buck moves a little closer, curious, “Oh yeah? What’re you drawing?”

Chris tells him enthusiastically, “Nemo!”

Buck feigns surprise, “You like Nemo too? That’s awesome. He’s my favorite.”

Chris laughs, “My favorite’s Dory.”

Back inside, Athena goes on, “Why don’t we invite everyone over, and you can bring Chris? I know everyone misses him.”

Abuela pipes up, “That would be a wonderful idea, nieto.”

Eddie replies, just wanting to deflect more than anything else, “I’ll think about it, alright?”

Outside, Buck keeps asking, “Is that Bruce the shark?”

Chris responds, “Fish are friends, not food!”

As they share a laugh, Buck turns his head, and catches Eddie’s eye as Eddie’s talking to Athena, Bobby’s wife, before turning away.

Eddie doesn’t move for a second, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Athena, who calls out, “Hello there, Buck.”

Startled, Buck looks sheepish as he replies, “Hey.”

That’s about the extent of that conversation, and when Athena turns back, it’s Eddie that looks sheepish, so she bails them both out by waving to Buck, “I’ll see you around, Mr. Buckley.”

Buck waves back, “See you around.”

With that, Athena walks out the front door past Buck, gets into her car and drives off.

Now that she’s gone, Buck takes this as his cue to walk cautiously towards the screen door to knock, and call out, “Hey.”

At the new voice, Eddie moves closer, and when he sees Buck’s still outside, he says cautiously, “Hey.”

Buck fans out the blue color swatches he bought for himself, then holds one of them up to show him. “I just wanted to tell you I made my choice. Decided to go with Mo Better.”

Not too sure why Buck would think Eddie would care, Eddie decides to ask the other question, “You’re gonna paint your kitchen floor blue?”

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Not too sure why Buck would think Eddie would care, Eddie decides to ask the other question, “You’re gonna paint your kitchen floor blue?”

Buck doesn’t see what the big deal is, “Sure, why not?”

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