Nothing Can Change This Love

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Somehow, after who knows how long, Buck manages to pull himself together to go straight towards his secondhand car, crying the whole way.

His hands are shaking so badly, it's a miracle he gets his key in the ignition, but Buck finally manages to gets the key to turn and the engine going, and peels out of the parking lot before someone catches him.

Buck can't stop himself from crying, now that no one's around to see, but he still manages to stay focused on the road. In fact, when he hears Chris call out, “Bucky!” behind him, he doesn’t stop, if anything that just makes him cry harder, more determined to get the hell away.

At some point, Buck’s tears dry up, and now he’s just focused on actually driving without hitting someone.

The oven door opens, and it reveals the most perfect Georgia peach pie.

The oven door opens, and it reveals the most perfect Georgia peach pie

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“Something smells delicious.” Buck hears behind him, and turns, smiling.

“You’re early.” Buck notes, right as Jeremy comes around the corner.

“Aw, you’re busting my balls, babe.”

Buck slightly veers off the road, and once he realizes he’s lost control, he quickly slams on the brakes and tries to pull over.

The airbag deploys, but otherwise, Buck’s unharmed.

“How’d your day go?” Buck asks, all polite.

“Exhausting, dirty.” Jeremy tells him as he loosens his tie, grabbing Buck from behind to hug him. “Sweltering, awful.”

“That’s a pretty picture.” Buck jokes.

Buck gets out of the car, wringing his hands as he tries to calm down.

“What’s this?” Buck asks, seeing the jewelry box.

“Do I need an excuse to buy my husband something?”

Buck pulls the watch out. "It's incredible."

"You like it?"

"Yeah, it's really amazing."

"May I?" Jeremy takes the watch.

"Course." Buck replies, holding out his wrist.

As the memories keep coming, Buck clutches his head, wishing they would stop, but they refuse to.

"I think this might be the best pie I've ever tasted." Jeremy compliments, as he takes another bite.

"Yeah?" Buck smiles, as he takes his own bite. "New recipe."

"So delicious. Delicious."

Once he's finished, Buck picks up his plate, reaching out for Jeremy's as well,

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