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Buck looks a little freaked out, but Eddie’s quick to tell him, “Relax. It’s just Athena.”

Buck still can’t completely relax, so Eddie tries to pull him out of it.

“Hey, come on. She’s my friend.”

Buck’s still skeptical, but Eddie looks like he’s sure, so Buck decides to trust him.

Buck sits in the back, where the prisoners usually sit, while Eddie and Athena talk about whether the fireworks show will be cancelled or not.

Meanwhile, Buck can’t help but feel a little freaked out by the fact that he’s in the back of a police car, and actually not being arrested. It only serves to remind him how easily a cop that isn’t Eddie’s friend could’ve been the one to find them, and not be as nice either.

Maybe Eddie senses some of this uneasiness, because as he keeps talking to Athena, he also looks at Buck, holding out a hand to Buck, who after a moment, takes it gratefully, as Eddie strokes Buck’s hand with his thumb.

Finally, they make it to Buck’s house, and Athena gets out first, opening the back door.

“Alright, you hooligans get outta my cruiser before I arrest you for real.”

As Buck gets out, Athena notes, “Pretty isolated out here for one man, don’t you think?”

Buck waves off her concern, “I got neighbors. They’re not too far away.”

Athena looks like she wants to push for more, but from Eddie’s small gesture, can tell when someone’s giving her the boot, so she walks back to her side, telling him

“Nice to finally meet you, Buck.”, then get in.

Now that they’re technically alone, it’s a little awkward, so Buck goes first, “Alright then.”

Eddie agrees, “Alright.”

Buck starts towards the house, with a, “Thank you for tonight.”

But Eddie has other ideas, as he grabs Buck’s arm, pulling him back, “C’mere.”, and pulls him away from the cruiser.

Nothing happens for a moment, but then, suddenly, Eddie’s  grabbing Buck’s head and pulling him in for a kiss, as Buck leans against a tree for balance.

Who knows how long the kiss actually lasts, but before Buck knows what’s happening, he’s pushing Eddie away, and walking back to the house, smiling the whole way.

Dazed, Eddie gets back in the cruiser, next to Athena this time.

Athena flashes Eddie a knowing look, but before she can say anything, Eddie points a finger, ordering,

“Not a word.”

No need to tell her twice, Athena just shakes her head and starts the car, and makes the drive all the way back to Eddie’s house.

The second he walks in the door, who should he find but Christopher, asking worriedly,

“Where were you?”

At that, Eddie glares at Bobby, who’s sitting on the couch. “Why is he still up?”

But before Bobby can say anything, Eddie’s already moving to Chris’ room, as Chris asks again,

“Where were you?”

Eddie’s completely apologetic , “I’m so sorry I’m late, buddy. I...I got caught in a freak rainstorm, and I never would’ve been out this late if I hadn’t been, okay?”

Chris is laying down, as he tells Eddie sadly, “You weren’t here to say goodnight.”

Eddie’s heart breaks, as he says, “I know. But I’m here now. I can say goodnight now.”

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