Chapter 4

812 37 17

February 17, 2020
3:30 am

Minho's P.O.V.

I'm woken up by something ringing...not my alarm clock. My hand wanders sleepily around my nightstand until it hits my phone, which is vibrating and ringing loudly. I pick it up and answer the call. "Hello?" I say, still half asleep.

"Minho hyung, it's Seungmin." He replies. I sit up immediately.

"Seungmin? Why are you calling so early in the morning? And why do you sound frantic?" I question. He takes a breath.

"There's been more murders, hyung." Shit. At this hour?

"How many more?"

"Five more."


"Yes, and that's only been within the past few hours. Hyung, we have a serial killer on our hands. I'm at the crime scene right now, are you able to come down and help me investigate?" Seungmin asks.

"Ummm yeah, just send me the address and let me get dressed, I'll be there in fifteen." I answer as I leap out of bed.

"Great, I'll see you then." He responds and hangs up. I hang up and put my phone down, hurrying to the closet and putting on my uniform. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket, going to the front door and slipping on my coat. I leave the apartment, locking the door and getting into my car. I start driving to the address Seungmin sent me, trying to get there as fast as I can. Once I arrive, I park the car and get out, walking over quickly to find Seungmin. Instead, I spot Jeongin and hurry to him.

"Jeongin!" I say and he turns to me.

"Yes, Detective Lee?" He asks.

"Have you seen Detective Kim anywhere?"

"Uh yes, he's over there with Officer Seo, checking the security camera footage." Jeongin states.

"Thank you." I reply before hurrying over to the truck that he pointed me to.

"Detective Kim!" I call out as I near the vehicle. Seungmin turns in my direction.

"Ah Detective Lee, you're here. Officer Seo and I were just checking the security cameras." He says.

"What in the world happened here?" I ask.

"Five men were murdered within this area, three stabbed in the back and two shot in the head. No murder weapons to be found, but Felix is collecting the bullets to analyze later in the lab." He concludes. I run my hand through my hair.

"What in the actual fuck?" I mumble.

"We keep checking the camera footage to see what we can find, but watch this...Changbin hyung, play the footage again." Seungmin continues. I look to the screen in front of me as Changbin plays the footage. I am absolutely baffled by what I see.

"One second all the victims are there alive, and the next second they're dead." I exclaim.

"We know, we couldn't wrap our heads around it's almost like the killer completely erased the footage of him killing the victims." Changbin replies.

"How could he have erased the footage? There was no way he was able to even reach those cameras, they're higher up than a normal human being can reach." I respond.

"We have no idea, that's what we're trying to figure out." Seungmin says.

"Were there any witnesses?" I question.

"One, but she's too frightened to talk." He points behind me at a woman sitting on the hood of a police car, completely shaken up and trembling.

"We're taking her in for questioning, aren't we?" I ask.

"Of course, but only when she's completely sane and willing to tell us what she saw." Changbin replies. I shake my head continuously.

"This is ridiculous." I mutter under my breath. "I'm going to head to the station early...maybe do some research that could help us with this." I speak again.

"Go ahead, we'll be there in a few hours." Seungmin responds. I nod and walk back towards my car when I see a familiar face widen his eyes at the scene.

"Jisung! What are you doing here? This is a crime scene!" I hurry over and scold him.

"I...I just heard the police sirens and wanted to know what was going on...another homicide?" He asks, his eyes still widened. I nod.

"Yes...five victims this time." I reply.

"Five?! Really?! That's crazy!"

"Yes, it is, now get out of here! If Officer Bang catches you here, you could get taken in for questioning!" I respond. He flinches at my hushed yelling, but nods. "You know what...come on, I'll give you a ride." I sigh and walk to my car. He follows me closely and gets in the passenger seat, not uttering a word as I start the car.

Even after we leave the crime scene, he stays quiet. I drive towards his address that he gave me until he finally says something.

"Actually, can we go to your place? I have no one to go home to, my roommate left for dance practice thirty minutes ago." Jisung says. I ponder on it and sigh.

"I guess so." Is all I reply with before driving to the apartment. Once I park the car, he gets out and heads to the door. I unlock it and let us inside, my cats coming to greet us. I hang my coat up as Jisung starts petting Doongie.

"Aren't they adorable?" I coo as he smiles up at me.

"Yeah...I've never had pets before, not even a puppy." He replies. I look at the clock in the hallway.

"Jisung, it's only five, we should get some more sleep...what time do you go to work?" I ask. He thinks for a minute.

"My shift starts at eight." He answers.

"Great, work for me starts at nine. We can sleep for two hours and get up at seven, and then you can shower and I'll make breakfast...I can drop you off at work on the way to the station." I reply. He nods.

"Thanks, Minho...for letting me stay for a few hours. Even though we barely know each other."

"It's fine, you don't have to thank me. I'd do it for anyone. Guest room is down the hallway to your left, bathroom is the room before it and my room is to the right." I respond. He nods again and heads to the guest room. I go to my room and undress, changing back into pajamas and crawl into bed. I reset my alarm clock for seven and lay on my side, quickly falling asleep.

I'm A Mess (Minsung) Detective x Serial Killer (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now