Chapter 5

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February 17, 2020
7:15 am

Jisung's P.O.V.

My phone alarm wakes me up, causing me to stare at the ceiling and remember that I am not in my own house. Right. I stayed at Minho's. I sit up in the guest bed and turn off my alarm, the smell of fresh bacon wafting into the room. Minho must be making breakfast. I walk out sleepily and rub my eyes, walking into the dining room/kitchen. Minho is at the stove and turns around with a smile.

"Morning Jisung." He chirps.

"Morning." I mumble back.

"Go ahead and take a shower, breakfast will be ready soon." He replies. I nod and head towards the bathroom, closing the door and starting to undress. I turn the water on in the shower and get in once it turns warm enough. After washing up, I walk out of the bathroom in my jeans while drying my hair with a towel.

"Minhooo." I whine.

"Yes, Jisung?" He asks and turns around, his eyes flicking from mine down to my shirtless torso and back up.

"My work uniform is at my house." I reply, stifling an awkward laugh. He turns back to the stove.

"That's alright, I'm sure you can work without it." He says. I shrug without saying anything and go back in the bathroom, pulling on my shirt and grabbing my phone. I head back to the dining room and see Minho setting plates on the table.

"Back just in time, breakfast's done." He states and sits down. I sit down across from him and start eating.

"Oh my god I haven't had omelettes since I was" I exclaim excitedly. He smiles.

"I'm glad you like them." He replies.

"Like them?! Are you kidding me?! I love them! These have got to be the best omelettes I've ever had!" I respond happily and continue eating.

"Thank you." He says shyly and eats his food. After breakfast, Minho goes to his room to get ready for work and I get a call from Hyunjin.

"Hey." I answer.

"Hey bro, where are you? I got back from dance to have breakfast and you're not home." He says.

"Sorry man, I stayed at a friend's house for a few hours after you left."

"Really? You have other friends than me? Wow, you're such a popular guy." Hyunjin replies sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up. Anyway, I'll be home tonight so don't worry." I retort.

"Okay, okay, I'll see you later then." He says and hangs up. I chuckle and hang up as Minho comes out of his room.

"Who was that?" He asks.

"My roommate, wondering where the fuck I am." I reply, laughing. He only nods and puts his shoes on. I follow him to the car and get in, neither of us really talking on the way to the cafe.

"Here we are." Minho says as he parks.

"Thanks for letting me stay and for dropping me off." I tell him as I get out.

"No need to thank me, it was nothing. See you later." He responds before driving off. Wow. All I can think is wow. He's pretty cool. I head inside the cafe happily and start my shift.

*A few hours later*

I walk into the alleyway, keeping my cool as figures start to pop out of the shadows.

"Glad to see you came." Their leader says as I run my fingers through my hair.

"Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss this for the world." I reply while keeping a hand on the cold metal handle of the revolver in my pocket.

"Don't try anything stupid Han, or my colleagues will shoot you on site." He responds. I scoff and put my hands up.

"I would never ruin this little rendezvous you have going on here. Unless of course, you try to kill me first." I stand still and count how many there are in my head. One..two..three..four..five...yeah, I got this. I can easily kill them in ten seconds.

"You've got five seconds to hand over your father's money or we shoot." I pull the fake bills out of my pocket and throw them on the ground.

"There's your pay. Now let me live in peace." I say.

"No way." The man smirks before nodding to his accomplices. They come after me like rockets, one man after another as I fire bullets at two of them. They fall immediately, blood seeping out of their heads onto the broken concrete. I stab the other two, the sound of the knife coming back out of their bodies like music to my ears.

The leader comes after me, trying to throw a punch with his cheap ass brass knuckles which I dodge and kick him square in the crotch, sending him to the ground. I pin his arms above his head and step on his legs, squatting over him.

"If your boss tries to pull this shit again, it's over for him too." I spit before stabbing the man in the chest.

I rip the knife out and walk away with it, staring at the dead bodies as I exit the alley, blood dripping down my hand. I don't know how I manage to kill people almost every day, I've been scared of blood ever since I was little. And murdering human beings...that takes all of the strength inside of you.

It's a good thing I'm broken. Torn. Beyond repairing. That happy lovable Jisung is gone. All that's left is me. A fucking psycho serial killer. Oh Jisung...the boy you are today.

I head back home and set the revolver on the table once I'm inside, throwing the dirty blood covered knife into the sink. I take off my blood soaked clothes and throw them in the washing machine, heading towards my room.

Hyunjin's door is closed, he must be asleep. I crawl underneath the covers on my bed and curl up into a ball, staring at the empty white wall until I start to cry. I sob endlessly in my room, feeling like the world has swallowed me whole.

I'm A Mess (Minsung) Detective x Serial Killer (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now