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the next day

kai got his casts off and we start packing to go move into our new house. (liz and maiya both got their casts off a few days ago).

kai and i are right now folding our clothes and putting them in boxes.

me : you ready?
kai : so ready! and i'm so glad your parents bought me a new car last week even after the accident.
me : that's cause they know it wasn't your fault.
kai : yeah. true.

we quickly pack as much as we can but still leave some stuff here in case we want to come visit. within 2 days all 5 of us are packed and moved into our new house. me and kai share a room and ale and tia share a room and brady gets his own room.

there's already food in the fridge and pantry and cooking utensils and dishes in the cabinets.

we're all in the living room chilling when i get a call from "unknown." i answer it. liz and maiya and matthew and ethan are also over.

call : you are receiving a call from ***** county jail. press 5 to except the call.

i made a confused face, pressed 5, and put it on speaker.

me : hello?
?? : this is jackie right?
me : yes...
?? : this is jacob.
me : why the hell are you calling me.
jacob : i wanted to apologize.
me : why?
jacob : because i know i did you and your boy wrong.
me : you're lucky i didn't get you sent to jail for good before for breaking and entering TWICE.
jacob : i know. just please except my apology.
me : ha. that's funny. if you think imma forgive you, then you thought wrong.
jacob : i didn't say you had to forgive me. i just want you to except my apology.
me : i'm not excepting it. you almost killed my boyfriend and my sister. and my boyfriends sister.
jacob : i know and i feel terrible.
me : no you don't.

kai motions for me to mute it so i do.

kai : just say that you'll only except it if he sincerely apologizes to us.
me : okay.

i unmute it.

me : i'll except your apology. on one condition.
jacob : and that is?
me : you have to apologize to kai, liz, AND maiya.
jacob : okay.
me : go.
jacob : kairi, i'm sorry for wrecking your new car. and for injuring you so bad. and i hope you heal soon.
kai : i except your apology. and i'm already out of my casts.
jacob : good. maiya, i'm sorry for hurting your brother and making you break your wrist and knuckles and fingers.
maiya : thank you. i except your apology.
jacob : and elizabeth, i'm sorry for breaking your ankle and giving you a concussion. and i hope you got your memory back.
liz : oh i did. and i guess i'll except your apology.
jacob : thank you guys so much.

we hang up and everyone that doesn't live here goes home. we all go to sleep.

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