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i walk in and go to the front desk.

lady : hi, how may i help you?
me : jaquelyn hunter. i have an 11:30 appointment.
lady : alright. is this your first session?
me : yes ma'am.
lady : fill out this paperwork, and we'll get you in.
me : thank you.

i smile and take the paperwork and fill it out. once i'm done, i give it to the desk lady and she leads me into a room in the back. i sit on the couch in front of a different lady.

lady : hi, my name is mimi ryan. and i will be your therapist. you are?
me : i'm jaquelyn hunter. i go by jackie though.
mimi : nice to meet you jackie. let's get started. so why are you here to see me?
me : i had cancer when i was 16 and again when i was 17. my doctor said that i should start seeing a therapist but i just never went. i've just gone through so much recently, it just completely slipped my mind.
mimi : you wanna tell me what you're going through? start with one thing then go on to the other.
me : i am 19 years old and i just found out i'm pregnant. i'm only 2 weeks along though.
mimi : wow, that's a big step in your life.
me : it is. and i'm keeping it. i couldn't imagine anything else.
mimi : that's great!
me : also my sister is 16 and she just found out she is pregnant as well. she's 9 weeks along though. so i've been helping her a lot recently. especially considering the fact that her boyfriend broke up with her because he wasn't ready.
mimi : i feel horrible for your sister. i'm glad you're helping her though.
me : yeah her and her boyfriend are actually back together now, but it did take him some time to come around.
mimi : well now i feel good for your sister. and her boyfriend. but we're here to talk about you. is there anything else going on that you might be stressed about?
me : well i'm currently living in a house with my 4 best friends. and i got into a fight with one of them. and he's staying with his parents for a while. he also said he doesn't know if he's coming back.

i start to cry thinking about it.

mimi : okay deep breaths. in...and out...in...and out. good job.

i wait a second until i stop crying.

me : not counting my boyfriend, he was the closest one to me in that house. and my closest friend even outside of the house. still not including my boyfriend.
mimi : it sounds like he means a lot to you.
me : he does. my sisters boyfriend is also his brother. and the fight we had was me getting mad at him when his brother broke up with my sister. i'm an idiot.
mimi : well you said that they're back together, right?
me : yeah...
mimi : then maybe you just need to talk to him about it. now that your sister has his brother back, i believe it will be easier to get him back as well.
me : i didn't even think about that. thank you!
mimi : of course!
me : also this whole being pregnant thing at 19 is ruining my career.
mimi : how is that?
me : i wanted to be a doctor. but i had to drop out of college because i know i won't be able to take care of this child and go to school at the same time. ooh, i can't even imagine how my sister must feel. she's still in high school.
mimi : well, you can always go back later.
me : true. and uh...this is totally off topic, but you look so familiar.
mimi : i don't think we've met before. people do say i look like a famous actor though. cathleen margaret?

(came up with sum random)

me : that's funny. people always say my mom looks like her. WAIT! that's why you look familiar. you look a lot like my mom.
mimi : really?
me : yeah. the resemblance is crazy!
mimi : well, i never even knew my mother. my dad told me she died whenever she gave birth to me.
me : i'm so sorry for your loss.
mimi : it's okay. thank you though.
me : no problem.

i finish my session and kai picks me up.

me : hey can you bring me to my moms house real fast?
kai : sure.

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