Tentacles x Reader - A fishy situation (I guess migi x shinichi if u want 2)

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This reality: it was only a pipe dream I watched daily when alone at night; a fantasy animated on screen. 

Of what do I have the pleasure in describing?

The delicacy people insist is only for consumption: the honorific, the title, the praise of 'tentacle'. 


But only to a degree--for it is still too narrow-minded. 

Their consumption isn't likened to my description. In fact, mine is on a whole different level of complexity than their basic mumbo-jumbo. 

Indeed, consumption, to this connoisseur of tentacle pornography, meant sucking, groping, deep-throating, inserting, caressing: all the possible modes of erotic gratification.

I only imagined it, only dreamt for this day, but alas--it has arrived in its full glory. 

"Morning, tentacle-san!" I greeted as they cooked a homogenous array of sushi. 

"Glubble-gijlvu" they responded, wrapping me up in sweet, moist kisses with two tentacles.

Their damp seepage irradiated onto my skin, which was already quite sweaty to begin with. 

"Sorry, tentacle-san, I have to go to work!" I smiled apologetically. 

"Glooble-gicki!!" he roared back. 

Full of reproach, tentacle-san wormed his 8 tentacles up my clothes and into my private areas. 

He squeezed them forcefully to censure me, punishing me for my insubordination and heresy. 

"I-I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Please let me go, Tentacle-San!" I shivered in euphoria in his slippery clutch. 

But he wasn't satisfied. 

Utilizing his suction cups, he perfectly placed his round, flexible spheres of pleasure on my nipples, and activated its suckage like some sort of sex-toy-vacuum. 

"NO! NO!! PLEase It's too much, tentacle-senpai!!!!!!!!!" I squealed as my nipples stiffened and reddened with each forceful suction.

"BLURBLE. BLUVO!" HE SCREAMEd, WRATHfUL veNgeance lining his siCkened expression. 

More tentacles appeared almost out of nowhere. 

What would they do now? 

Of course, they all shot straight up every hole in my body, no matter how tiny. 

I wasn't lying when I claimed tentacles were flexible; that's what I crave about them.

Hundreds! No, thousands of tentacles sprouted into existence like some sort of hydra! Tentacle-sama, his face still horrifically morphed in disgust, held a singe of kinky rapture, just as me.

Every tentacle wrapped around me, forcing their way through the heaps of slime just to get a touch of my meaty, usable flesh of a body.  

Of course, the sticky goo's coagulating all over my body held no significance to me. All I desired was to be pleasured by tentacles, and that's exactly what was happening to my feeble human body; beaten, battered slithered upon. I wanted it all. 

The grimier the better, as long as it satiated my tentacle fetish. I didn't mind if the tentacle had warts, barnacles, shit, cum, or ink-squirt that could contaminate me and get me 'sick.' I was already sick in the head, so what was a physical ailment to me, anyway?

"Yes, go deeper!" I moaned, work at the back of my mind. 

"FLurble-Blurble!!!!!_!?!~" Tenty-san murmured, too focused on dominating me in every sense of the word to comprehend my already-being-fufilled demands. 

  "Are you Amazook Prime? Because you sure are a quick one!" I laughed. 

A tentacle went into my mouth and down my throat to fondle my entrails the instant I cracked at my joke in reference to Tentacle-San's 'quickie'. 

Instead of gurgling a response like usual, Tentacle-Sensei hoarsely coughed in disgust. 

"M-smosore!" I gurgled through the parasitic tentacle squirming deeper within me. 

Clammy tentacle juices burst out my [Your/Private-Part] in utter ecstasy, covering the already damp Tentacle-San in more lovely liquids to soak his meandering members into.

"SiMaBoQuad!!" he squalled. 

"-YE-uis!" I agreed. 

I cuddled with all the tentacles. More baby tentacles sprout out of his gurthy tentacles, of which even more blossomed outwards, like a tree.

They all swarmed me, as if I was having an orgy with a bunch of clones of my favorite thing.

It was without a doubt, a tentacle lovers' paradise. 

The hours passed with unrelenting lust and erotic bathing in secreted tentacle squirt. 

I completely missed work, and Tentacle-San misspent time he could've used writing that novel about that green frog who tried to commit suicide. 



The all-knowing, epitome of perfection Tentacle-Senpai forgot to turn off the heat!! 

A fire was unknowingly spreading around us this entire time, and now we were trapped! 

However, all was not lost! The growing heat of flames only blazed our unending love-making even-further-beyond its imagined boundaries, uniting us under a common fear and a common goal: to fuck senselessly.

"YES! YES! YES!" I moaned at decibels so high, even supernovae would cower beneath my squeals of joy. 

 I loved the slight pain the growing fire inflicted on to my soddened skin. 

my fingers looked like those wrinkly fingers you get after taking a really long shower/bath. 

I basically transformed into a satyr-like, horny raisin, whose only desire is to be tentacled to climax and more.

Perhaps It was just masochistic guilty pleasure, but I kinda inched into the flames a bit to get a nip of momentary suffering. "So good--" I huffed after a few dozen times of this. 

Tentacle-Sama didn't look as good as me, though. It looked like he was drying up, so I tried vomiting all over him, cumming pools, and squirting/spitting as much as I could to lubricate his dry skin issues.  

"hfjdsjcdsdbeou" he whined, padding about my pool of calming liquids. 

"I knew you would like it, Tentacle-senpai-kun-san-sama," I moaned, so so so so happy that I was able to serve my one and only idol in life. 

"I will never let you die." 

But it was already over before it began. Tentacle-Sama had accidentally eaten a toxic pufferfish part. 

A chunk of pufferfish that lay next to the sushi fell off the counter and got cooked by the flames. Tentacle-san mistook the charred piece of meat for my shillings of shit, and unwittingly consumed it.      

"jekofndjnvew" he glugged one last time, before the life vanished from his eyes. His solid-hard-slimy tentacles went limp, and the fire encapsulated his body. 

"noo!!!" I cried, weeping in suffering at the loss of my hubby, sex-toy, and death of my lifelong dream. 

"I guess it was too good to be true..." 

My tears extinguished the flames and I lived happily ever after on a tentacle-only diet.   


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