Daddy Pig x Peppa Pig - Oinking Around (Peppa Pig Smut)

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"Peppa, why are you watching that on the computer?!" Daddy Pig gasped in shock as moans and horny snorts echoed from the speakers.

"Daddy Pig!" Peppa screamed, instantly shutting off the video of putrid piglets making out in mud.

"Why are you watching that on the computer?" he slowly repeated in his husky, gravelly voice, "It's much more pleasurable in real life, tee hee~"   

Peppa blushed as she saw Daddy Pig's Daddy-Dick protrude out from his non-existent pants.  

"Daddy pig... I- I-" Peppa was lost for words. 

"Don't worry, Peppa. Daddy will treat you to the GRIMIEST puddles ever. With added mud! The preservative free, non-gmo goodness. All natural, if you know what I mean," Daddy winked. 

Peppa skipped off the swivel chair and cuddled next to Daddy Pig's HUGE.... ....stomach. 

"Wow, your stomach is... so big?" Peppa praised awkwardly. 

 "HO HO hO oH~" he blushed. Not because of the praise, but because he could finally open his ass after work. 

A rotten smell of digested pig feed oozed out his gaping, moist hole. "HOHOHO" he repeated again in euphoria. 

"Daddy, you smell like muddy puddles. Lovin' it." Peppa oinked enthusiastically, deeply breathing in the acidic fumes.

Daddy shrugged in bemusement, and let out his signature window-shattering, ear-drum-bleeding snort.


"Anyways, the muddy puddles?" Peppa oinked impatiently. She wanted nothing better to do than grovel in the mud's comforting, cool, soothing textures and maybe even eat some of it like a hog.  

"Right, right, let's go."

Later, Outside     

"Where's the muddy puddles!!!!" Peppa screamed as she threw a childish fit.

A silver moon romantically deigned above the two lover's forbidden adoration. Their portly bodies rubbed against each other, and their snout snot slid between their pink, hairy skin.  

"Right here, sweetie," Daddy soothed as he squatted down and let out the piles and piles of wet feces/diarrhea. 

"Omg, tysm!" Peppa squealed, instantly jumping into the sodden shit. 

Erotic excitement filled her nostrils, and the narcotic/hallucinogenic effects took hold.

"Oooooooh~~ This is the shit, Daddy pig!!--pun intended. Hehe Im so clever."

Daddy pig just blushed because he was too happy that someone finally appreciated his all natural 'muddy puddle.' 


The hours passed as Daddy sensually stalked Peppa as she splashed in the pleasant puddle.

 "Peppa, your four eyes look lovely against the moon's glistening brilliance... especially all covered in mud" Daddy pig snorted flirtatiously.

"oOP!" Peppa gasped dramatically. 

This was the most love Peppa had ever received in her entire life. Everyone she's ever met, whether it be Danny Dog, Suzie Sheep, or Rebecca Rabbit, had always recoiled away in disgust at her front-view image. 

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