Chapter Two - Avoidance

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Steven's POV:

something about that girl irked me. not necessarily in a bad way, but there was something curious about her that i just needed to uncover.

the first thing being that i had watched her go into ms. green's home, though as far as i knew ms. green didn't have any family.

i didn't want to seem like a stalker, so i -very inconspicuously- kept walking until i ended up at the big donut.

mr. dewey smiled at me as i entered, "hello, car wash kid!"

i sighed, "give me a glazed, i'm not feeling like sprinkes today." i leaned against the counter with a frown.

"what's gotcha down, kid?" mr. dewey rummaged around behind the counter and handed me a warm glazed donut with a while napkin.

"do you know that really quiet girl in town? she has h/l h/c hair and pretty e/c eyes..." i looked off in the distance, my head filled with the few memories i had of her face.

mr. dewey pulled me out of my head, speaking boastfully as always, "oh, sure. she comes in here sometimes to get donuts. i think her name is... farkel... or tram... or maybe (Y/N). yeah, it's (Y/N)."

i lit up at the sound of her name and took a bite out of the donut, suddenly wishing i had gotten sprinkles, "thanks, mr. dewey! you're the best!" i ran out of the shop without another word, too excited to wait.

i heard mr. dewey yelling from behind the counter, "wait! you forgot to pay for- ah, whatever."

i collapsed on my bed with a heavy sigh, burying my stressed expression in my comforter.

"steven? you upset?" i heard amethyst call from my doorway.

"i tot turned down by this girl." i sighed.

"that's rough, man. she was probably stupid anyways." she inched closer to the bed, patting my shoulder with a smile.

i shot up with wide eyes, "not like that! i just introduced myself to her and she ignored me!"

"you can't make everyone like you, steve." she messed up my hair and walked out of the room.

it had been three days since i met (Y/N). in hopes of running into her again, i had wandered from the store, to the big donut, to the beach multiple times and i hadn't seen her once.

i was mid-stroll past the big donut when i saw a familiar figure at the counter. she kept her head down, and even though i couldn't hear her i could tell she was talking quietly.

i stifled my excitement and walked inside, watching her immediately stiffen. i skipped up next to her and smiled, "hey, again!"

she didn't respond to me, cheeks reddening as she laid down her money on the counter and grabbed the bag of donuts. she walked out of the store without another word.

mr. dewey whistled, shaking his head, "i see what you mean, she's totally giving you the cold shoulder."

i ignored him and ran after (Y/N), catching her as she was walking back towards town. she was frozen in place, staring at lion with a confused expression.

he was looking at her with his head cocked like a dog, and huffed softly when she patted his head.

i jogged up next to her, "his name is lion." i smiled triumphantly. she jumped back at my voice, still not looking me in the eyes. i cleared my throat and continued, "do you... want to ride on him? he can take you home through a magic portal."

she shook her head, patting lions head continuing her walk down the street.

i followed after her with a sigh, "why don't you like me?" i frowned.

her eyes were glued to the boardwalk as she finally opened her mouth, "i'm not supposed to be friends with people like you. you really shouldn't be talking to me." she murmured.

"what do you mean 'people like me'?"

she leaned closer and lowered her voice, "popular people."

"then... can we be friends in private?" i suggested.

she sighed heavily, "if i tell you yes will you leave me alone?"

"well, no. 'cause then we would be friends." i rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"then no, we can't be friends in private." she turned away from me, continuing down the street quickly.

i finally took the hint and stopped following, left confused and fuming.

Y/N's POV:

my father was really angry the night Steven made me return home late, so i tried even harder to avoid him.

"i don't want you talking to that boy. he's a stupid halfbreed, just like you." he had snarled.

i scrambled up, rushing to the bathroom to bandage the wrist my father had just snapped. i knew the wrist would probably need proper medical attention, but there was no way he would let me. so i just took some pain medication and shuffled to bed.

i guessed my father didn't know he had snapped my wrist, because a few days later he sent me out to get groceries.

i looked at myself in the mirror, diligently covering the bruises on my face with makeup. i took the list my father made and left the house quickly, making a beeline across down to the store.

i was looking at the soups- trying to decide which one my father would like better- when i felt someone walk up behind me.

"it kind of feels like you're avoiding me" of course, it was steven.

i internally groaned, and didn't turn around. i walked down a different isle in an attempt to ignore him, and felt him following close behind. as i reached for a bag of chips i was incased by a pink bubble with steven.

i touched the glassy texture with my uninjured fingers, brows furrowing.

he had his arms crossed, looking unfazed by the magical occurrence. "i'll let you out when you agree to be my friend."

"i can't. i'm not supposed to." i insisted.

"why not? i'm a great person to be friends with!" he exclaimed.

i ignored him and pressed against the bubble without thinking, putting a lot of pressure on my wrist. i hissed in pain, jerking back and rubbing at the bandages.

"are you okay? what happened to your wrist?" he grabbed your forearm like it was a reflex, touch gentle and warm.

"i fell on it." i lied.

he frowned, "oh, well here..."

i opened my eyes just in time to see him lick his hand and wrap his palm around my wrist before i could pull away. my skin tingled, then stopped hurting all together. i wiggled my wrist around in surprise as the bubble around steven and i dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.

"let's be friends." he held out a hand and smiled. he seemed assured, like there was no way i could deny him friendship now.

i looked down at my feet, darting past him and out of the store. i left the groceries in my hurry, telling myself i would come back later to get them.

[ACTUALLY edited] (realizing steven is so weird and creepy and there's no way to fix it, i hate myself)

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