Chapter Twelve - Battle

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Steven's POV:

i started to notice that (Y/N) was a little more on edge than usual. she kept glancing out the window, and jumped at the smallest noises.

"why are you so jumpy?" i asked her at dinner.

"what do you mean?" she was playing dumb again.

i pushed my anger down and took a deep breath. "you know what i mean."

"my dad's back." her voice was barely above a whisper.

shouldn't she be happy? it means we'll have to stop being friends, yes, but i thought we had grown close enough for that rule to disappear.

"oh, are you going home?" i asked with a frown. i wanted to be happy for her, but i liked having her around.

"no, i- no. I'll stay here for the rest of the week. if that's okay."

i jumped out of my seat excitedly. "really? yeah, of course!"

our conversation was once again interrupted by the same crane, perched at the front window to stare at us.

"what is with that thing?" i complained. "it's been here since all week." i glanced at her reddened cheeks, brows furrowing. "do you know anything about it?"

"cranes bring good luck." she mumbled, looking down at her hands. she reached for her phone a moment later, standing from the table. "i'm gonna call my dad, i'll be right back."

Y/N's POV:

i pulled out my phone and called jasper, praying she wouldn't let me go to voicemail.

"stop calling me." jaspers voice grumbled through the receiver.

"sorry, my dad is back." i murmured.

jasper groaned loudly. "so? what do you want me to do about it?"

i spilled out everything that had happened: the cars, the box, the people inside.

"well, what's in the box?" is all she said.

i sighed, "that's all you gathered? i haven't opened it yet, i was waiting until steven was out of the house, in case it had something of my moms in it."

"hm." jasper was quiet for a moment, before pulling the phone so far away that i could barely hear her. "i have to go, goodbye little hybrid." and with that, she hung up.

i put my phone away and walked into the main room, sitting back down across from steven just as the warp pad chimed.

garnet, amethyst, and pearl stepped into the room with worried looks.

"hey guys, what's going on?" steven asked them.

pearl tittered awkwardly, "nothing, steven! everything is fine. great!"

"something is coming." garnet said, instead, making pearl flush. she looked to me and took her glasses off. "(Y/N)..."

my eyes widened, the color draining from my face when i realized what she meant. "does- he has other gems with him?"

"who?" steven chimed in.

"many. i suggest we gather other crystal gems for your protection." garnet ignored steven's question, staring at me intently.

"i'll reach out to peridot and bismuth." pearl tensely turned away, stepping back up into the warp pad and dissipating with a glimmer of light.

"i'll call my friend." i nodded, reaching again for my phone.

"who?" steven asked again. he grabbed my arm, turning me to face him with a worried expression. "(Y/N), what's going on?"

i could barely work up the courage to say it out loud. "it's my dad."

[ACTUALLY edited] (good lord this is tough to get through)

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