Chapter Fourteen - Fire

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Steven's POV:

with (Y/N)'s father glaring daggers at me, i quickly realized that we didn't age a plan. we had the gems gathered and informed on the situation. but no plan.

i sucked in a confident breath, and opened the door with a welcoming grin. "hi, can i help you?" i asked.

(Y/N)'s father glared at me, "where is she? i know she's here." he looked past me, eyes scouring every visible inch of my home. bismuth and garnet stepped in front of (Y/N), blocking her from view.

"who?" i asked innocently.

"don't play dumb. (Y/N). i know she's been with you. where is she?" his eyes narrowed further, turning boldly murderous. "it's time for her to come home, we have things to take care of." her father tried to step inside around me, but i held out an arm to stop him.

"what kinds of things?"

"aren't you just a nosy little- family things. it's an emergency, her mother is in the hospital." i practically watched the lie fall out of his mouth.

a pink glow emitted from my clenched fists, and peal stepped around me in hopes of diffusing the situation.

i moved to the back of the room, standing next to (Y/N) and clasping my hand in hers.

though after a few minutes, her father still hadn't budged. "(Y/N)," his voice was jarringly loud, "if you come with me, i'll tell you about your mother."

i watched (Y/N) freeze, staring after him like she was actually contemplating it.

"he's lying." my tone was pleading. i closed my hand around her wrist, pulling her quietly backwards into the bathroom before he could tantalize her anymore.

"but- what if he isn't?" her brows furrowed. "this could be my only chance."

"(Y/N), right now he wants to hurt you. he'll say anything to do that."

i watched her jaw clench, a fiery determination replacing the broken look in her eyes. "when we fight, i'm gonna to be the one to beat him up."

i couldn't help but laugh, and shook my head, "no, no way. you won't be anywhere near the fight. if it happens."

"but i can help!" she protested. "i'll stay close, and you can just heal me if i get hurt!"

"no." i refused without a second thought. i leaned forward, pressing my ear to the door in hopes of hearing what was going on outside.

"-she's here! she doesn't have anywhere else to go! i don't know who you people are, but i have backup waiting outside and they'll kill you if you try to fight me!" her dad was still screaming, the quiver in his voice that of an upset toddler.

garnet's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, "get away from the windows!"

(Y/N) and i ducked down just before fire burst through the bathroom window. i covered (Y/N)'s head from the shatter of glass, jumping up to look out the window. a gem floated a few feet away, already distracted with something out in the sand.

i pulled (Y/N) back into the living room before more fire burst through, met with a similar sight of shattered windows and a floating gem.

"they're onyx..." pearl's voice was soft and surprised, "they were war gems on homeworld."

(Y/N)'s father interrupted the history lesson, finally spotting (Y/N) and lunging towards her. i was quick to step between them, encasing (Y/N) and i in a pink bubble.

[EDITED] (idek what to say)

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