Chapter Thirteen - A Friend

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Steven's POV:

i paced back and forth in the living room, my mind racing. "why exactly is your dad going to attack us?"

garnet and amethyst had gone to their respective rooms a while ago, busying themselves with something i couldn't bring myself to care about.

she shrugged, seeming genuine. "who knows? look, please don't freak out, okay, it's fine."

"i mean- maybe we can talk to him. he wouldn't fight his own daughter."

(Y/N) gave me an odd look, but didn't say anything in disagreement. "i need to talk to my friend. she'll help."

i nodded. "i'll go with you, just in case." i grabbed my jacket, shrugging it on. "i know a gem that may help, too. it's a long shot, but we could use the extra strength."

(Y/N) and i arrived shortly, slipping off of lion and allowing him to sniff around the forest floor curiously.

(Y/N) looked confused, and oddly conflicted. i led her gently through the trees, staying in front of her in case of giant rocks or angry screaming.

"be careful, okay?" i murmured to her. "she doesn't really like humans."

(Y/N) just nodded, biting the inside of her cheek as she looked away.

we reached the familiar clearing, and i called out towards the unsteady cave, "jasper? i need a favor!"

jasper emerged from her cave with a scowl, "steven. what?" she noticed (Y/N) and squinted.

"um, so..." i was distracted by (Y/N), who stepped out in front of me and walked towards jasper.

my heartbeat quickened, eyes widening as i reached out for her anxiously. jasper was unpredictable. she could crush (Y/N)s skull if she wasn't careful.

"we would appreciate it if you could join us in case of an upcoming fight. we would love the extra help." i smiled warmly at her.

jasper huffed, "i'm good."

(Y/N) groaned, stopping boldly inches from jasper. "it's about my father. you always talk about how much you want to beat him up, now you have the chance."

jasper's eyes lit up, and she suddenly looked excited. "i'm in." she held up a finger to (Y/N), "on one condition: get rid of the crane."

my brows furrowed in confusion. another crane?

"you know i can't do that." i heard (Y/N) whisper.

"fine." jasper conceded, "training three times a month. i still need to figure out which g-" (Y/N) covered Jaspers mouth quickly, turning back to me with wide eyes.

i finally interrupted them, my shock exploding out, "you two know each other?!"

"she's the friend." (Y/N) mumbled, looking embarrassed.

"oh, i am not your friend!"

(Y/N)'s POV:

jasper followed us back to steven's house, staying planted in the sand -to "watch for enemies"- as steven and i entered the house.

too many gems crowded the living room, all turning to us when we walked inside. i recognized bismuth and peridot on the couch, as well as a blue gem floating near the kitchen counter.

"hey, guys!" steven chirped, "jasper's outside."

garnet spoke up first, "(Y/N), your father will arrive here shortly. he will appear to be alone, but others will be hiding around the house in waiting."

i nodded quietly, "this is all my fault. i didn't mean to drag anyone into this."

jaspers voice boomed out from behind me, making me jump. she put a heavy hand on my shoulder, "shut up. i've wanted to fight your maker since you first mentioned him. you're doing me a favor."

"how- hm, how long have you two known each other?" pearl asked, eye twitching anxiously.

"a year or two." i responded.

bismuth gestured to the bathroom door. "(Y/N), you should hide out back there. it'll be safer."

i shook my head, "i'll be okay out here."

steven grabbed my arm. his worried expression entering my field of vision. "you can't fight with us! it's too dangerous."

"i'll be fine." i assured him.

his eyes were comically wide, entire body emanating nerves. "no way! this is happening because of a man who wants you dead. if you got hurt, i couldn't live with myself."

i took a deep breath. "i said i'll be fine. can you just trust me?" i pulled away from him, shuffling between bismuth and amethyst towards the bathroom. "i'm gonna change."

bismuth put a hand on my head before i could pass her, leaning closer and lowering her voice, "hey, i looked into it and there's a surgery you can get. they put a metal plate in your head, but it should help."

i nodded and smiled, "thanks, bismuth. i'll look into it."

i you exited the bathroom i saw everyone looking out onto the sand. i shuffled up next to steven, cheeks reddening at the eight cranes huddled outside.

"what's going on?" lapis murmured.

jasper pointed to the one adjacent to her. "that's mine. i named it 'rock', after the first rock I threw at (Y/N)."

steven glowed pink, turning to jasper angrily. "you threw a rock at (Y/N)?"

"it's not a big deal! she missed, anyways." i patted his arm reassuringly, and he slowly turned back to a normal color.

garnet interrupted us. "(Y/N), i think it's time."

jasper groaned in exasperation, nodding in agreement. "yes! it is very annoying."

"time for what?" steven butted in.

i was about to come up with a lie, when someone knocked on the door. i peeked over Stevens shoulder, quickly shrinking back behind him. "he's here."

[ACTUALLY edited] (little 12 yo me was dramatic af)

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