Chapter Fifteen - Rose Quartz

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there was too much going on at once, i couldn't concentrate.

i was trapped in steven's pink bubble, my father beating on the outside of it. tons of other gems surrounded us, ready to fight as well.

and worst of all, steven still let me help.

he kept insisting that he would 'get me somewhere safe', and eventually sped to the bathroom and locked the door.

i backed up to the counter, my breaths becoming shallow and quick. i couldn't control my abilities when i was panicking. my mind was filled with echoing screams, but a more calm, warm presence overtook the noise. i recognized rose quartz, stevens mom, from her portrait. the painting didn't do her justice; sprawling curls and a soft pink complexion.

i reached out to her, ignoring steven's, "what are you doing?" and grabbed her arm gently.

she smiled down at me, "hello, Y/N." her voice was melodic and cool, like a summer breeze.

"what should i do?" i managed to ask. staying in contact with her was blooming a heavy pain in my chest, like a panic attack waiting to happen.

"who are you talking to?" steven pressed.

rose looked to steven, "tell him. you two will fight better together. or, at least give him the boost he needs to protect you."

i forced a nod, snapping my hand back to my side and relaxing as she faded.

"Y/N? what's going on?" steven was still holding the door shut, though he fixed me with a concerned look.

i took a deep breath, "your mother loves you, steven."

his grip against the door slipped, "what?!"

"she wishes she could be here, but she's watched you grow up and she is so proud of you." i swallowed, and took step towards him. "let me help."

"no! you-"

"oh, for stars sake! let her fight!" jasper shouted from the main room.

"she could get hurt! or- or worse!" tears built up in his eyes.

i felt anger building in my stomach. did he not trust me? did he think i was weak?

the ground started to shake.

"Y/N!" jasper shouted again, her voice strained, "you need to calm down!"

Stevens POV:

concerned with getting Y/N somewhere safe, i quickly opened the door and shot out enough of my spiked shields to force everyone out onto the sand.

though it spread everyone out more, it seemed to only give Y/Ns father and his gems the upper hand. bismuth, amethyst, and peridot were held down by large gems, while lapis was nowhere to be seen. the fight was dying down, and we were losing.

"stay here. i'm gonna go help." i whispered to Y/N, and slipped out the bathroom door.

(Blah blah blah. Basically he fights them and poofs a few. Then Jasper gets tackled and Y/Ns father gets to Steven. he puts a knife to his neck and his army gets all the Crystal Gems pinned back or on the ground)

^what she said

everything was still. i could hear jasper complaining, while amethyst and pearl struggled in the sand.

"finally," Y/Ns father breathed a sigh of relief.

i tried not to move, afraid the knife against my throat would cut too deep, "hey, maybe we can talk about this. there's no reason to fight-"

he only pressed the knife harder into my neck, "shut up, kid. you don't know what you're talking about. the little halfbreed that is my daughter is nothing but a burden. she took apa from me and she needs to pay."

a burden? wait- halfbreed?

[EDITED] jesus this is so bad

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