Chapter Nine - Nightmare

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Steven's POV:

(Y/N) sighed loudly, avoiding my eyes, "so, i was walking home and these men approached me. they said that they were looking for drugs, and... when i said no they... chased me?" she sounded like she didn't even believe herself.

i raised an eyebrow, "really?"

"ugh, fine. they broke into my house."

i sighed. "Please. Tell me the truth."

"they're my dads friends." she slumped forward and finally met my eyes, which i took to mean she was telling the truth. "they were trying to kill me."

"what? why would they try to kill you?" i felt my anger bubbling up, and my heartbeat leapt to my throat. she looked at me in horror. "...what?"

"you're pink." she whispered.

i looked down, shaking my arms until they returned back to normal. "sorry, that- that just happens sometimes." i met her eyes again, speaking more calmly. "why would your dad's friends try to kill you?"

"they think i'm a burden." her voice was soft, almost embarrassed.


"i don't know." she shrugged. "derek said-"

"derek? i thought you said he was a nice guy!"

"i didn't want you to worry." she muttered. she looked down at her hands, picking at the nails nervously.

"um- i got you a phone." i blurted out. "sorry, that's not how i wanted to- i just... here." i reached over to my nightstand, grabbing the box and dropping it in her hands. "it's not the newest, but it works."

"you shouldn't have." she sighed, looking up at me with an emotion i had never seen on her. "thank you."

i smiled, warmth swelling in my chest. "yeah- yeah, of course."

after helping her sync into the phone, she stood up awkwardly. "i need to make a call, is that okay?"

i nodded, encouraging her to go out to the balcony for some privacy. though, i couldn't help but strain my ears as the call began.

"-a month now." i could barely hear her whispers. "yeah, yeah. i'm staying at steven's." she said. "no, he prefers steven, remember?" she went quiet as the other person spoke. "please? something's coming, i know you can tell." after a few minutes she smiled, "i knew you loved me, bye!" she hung up quickly.

"who was that?" i curiously asked when she slipped back inside.

she jumped, like she had forgotten i was there. "my dad."

(Y/N)'s POV:

"what?" jasper grumbled.

"i knew you still had a phone!" i exclaimed into the phone.

"oh. tiny hybrid. what do you want?"

"i think that we should up the training to twice a month now."

she sighed in annoyance. "is this because of your father? i told you, just leave."

"yeah, yeah. i'm staying at steven's."

"ah, i forgot you were friends with pink diamond. i'm sure that's gonna be a fun stay." i could practically hear her eye roll.

"no, he prefers steven, remember?"

"whatever." she dismissed. "i'm too busy to train you."

"please? something's coming, i know you can tell."

"the sky is progressively getting darker..." she mused. "fine. you are fun to hit."

"i knew you loved me, bye!" i hung up before she could yell at me.

after a lot of arguing, i finally convinced steven to let me sleep on the couch. sadly, sleeping in the same house as him meant he would hear if i screamed during a nightmare. i laid down praying for a dreamless sleep.

i couldn't see anything. when i tried to stand up, a man screamed at me. "stop! i said, stop!"

so much for a dreamless sleep. i counted the minutes until the dream truly started, staying still to avoid getting yelled at.

"(Y/N)?" steven was herez again. one minute.

"not again." i groaned. i grabbed his shoulders, shaking him lightly. "you can't be here."

"isn't this the same dream as before?" he asked instead.

"yeah, i have it every night. seriously, you can't be here. you have to wake up." i pleaded.

"why? i have nightmares all the time, it's okay." ten seconds.

"it's too late." i looked around frantically. "cover your ears." i covered mine and dropped to my knees.

the voices started, thousands of hissing voices filled the air.

"you're a disappointment." "please, help me!" "get me out of here!" "why is this happening?" "it hurts!"

transparent figures soared through me, back and forth with faces frozen in eternal screams. every figure brought an onslaught of pain, every cause of death and dreadful pain sliced through me with the phantoms.

steven was gone, and i was thankful that he finally woke up. as the pain overwhelmed me, i could clearly feel something shaking you.

i jolted awake, steven's face inches from mine and his hands tight around my shoulders. he pulled me into a tight hug before i could speak. "are you okay?"

"i'm fine." i let myself breathe, and returned the hug as tears rolled down my cheeks. "thank you."

[ACTUALLY edited] (i'm losing it this fic makes NO SENSE)

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