Chapter Eight - Gunshots

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Steven's POV:

(Y/N) did not go home. she lied. she lied and- i'm sure she has a good reason. there's no need to freak out.

instead, she entered little homeschool. i trailed after her, watching her walk into bismuth's shop.

i reached the front just in time to see (Y/N) hand bismuth a small scrap of paper. bismuth read it with wide eyes, then shook (Y/N)'s hand.

(Y/N) said something i couldn't quite hear, then walked out. she froze when she saw me.

"you live here now?" the sharp comment fell out before i could stop it.

her cheeks reddened. "uh- no, just saying hello." she kept walking, this time actually in the direction of her house.

i sighed, letting her go and walking into bismuth's shop. "what was that about?" i asked, not bothering to announce myself first.

"AHH-hey, steven!"bismuth cut her surprised scream short, spinning to look at me. "(Y/N) was just stopping by to ask how i was... and all that." she gave me a strained smile.

"what's on that paper?"

"just- a shopping list!" she quickly crumpled up the paper and threw it in the fire pit behind her. "i'm real busy today." she turned away and started rummaging around through her metal scraps.

i sighed, wishing her well and starting back home with millions of questions swimming in my head.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"you're home." derek called to me from the couch when i walked inside.

i didn't respond, making a beeline to my dads room. i closed the door behind me and threw open the doors to his closet.

my father never told me anything about my mom, or my gem, or my powers. everything i did know was from jaspers limited knowledge, but it still wasn't enough to satisfy my curiosity.

after a few minutes of searching i came across a shoebox hidden under a large pile of my fathers clothes. i quickly shoved it out his bedroom window and into the bushes, just in time to hear the front door open.

i peeked back out into the hall, coming face to face with a group of angry looking men. they all held various weapons; guns, knives, a... candlestick.

"what's... going on?" i took a step back, preparing to run out the back door.

"you're a selfish burden to your father." one of them spat. "we thought we would do him a favor and get rid of you." another one stepped forward.

i let out a nervous laugh and started backwards, mind whirling. jasper wouldn't do anything worthwhile. the neighbors would think i was crazy.


i burst out the back door, thankful for my adrenaline as i sprinted through the various backyards of my neighborhood.

i just had to make it to steven's house. he would help me, right?

i slowed a bit when i reached the sand, thankful i was at least faster than the ten overweight drug addicts probably chasing after me.

after stumbling and feeling like i was getting sucked into the ground, i made it to steven's porch stairs.

a pop exploded through the air, and pain shot through my left side.

i stumbled, hands landing hard against the wooden steps, but forced myself up to the door. i didn't bother knocking, just sliding inside and sinking against the wall.

"are you sure those're fireworks?" i could hear steven ask from his room.

amethyst descended the stairs with a shrug, steven close behind. their eyes widened when they saw me. "(Y/N)? what's-"

i heard thunderous footsteps on the porch steps, and i darted up to steven's bedroom to hide.

i could hear derek shouting from behind the door, "where did the girl go?!"

"uh, she jumped off the balcony?" i heard amethyst respond slowly.

i walked over to steven's balcony and watched them stumble back towards the boardwalk, complaining and shoving each other tiredly.

"what was that? are you okay?" steven appeared next to me, looking me over in worry.

"i don't know." i lied, too exhausted to think of a lie. the adrenaline was fading, and i could clearly feel myself losing blood. i lifted up my shirt to reveal a mountain of red on my side. "shit..."

"oh my stars, are you okay?!" he repeated, reaching towards my injury gently.

"i'm fine." i pulled my shirt back down and started towards the door. i stumbled a bit, steven quickly reaching out to support my weight.

"here, i'll heal you." he licked his hand and started to pull my shirt up again.

i grabbed his wrist. "no, just- just give me a bandaid, or something."

"are you kidding me?!" he reached down again, and i smacked his hand away.

"i'm fine, steven." i forced myself to take a few more steps forward.

steven grabbed onto my shoulders firmly and pulled me back into his room. "no way. you're staying here until your dad gets back." his grip was too strong for me to struggle against -or maybe i was too weak-, and my legs were about to give out because i was in so much pain.

"can you get me a bandage? and some rubbing alcohol. and some tweezers" i let him sit me down on his bed.

"just let me heal you, (Y/N), please." he sat next to me, full of sincerely as he held onto my hands.

i sighed deeply, reluctantly nodding. "okay, just-"

before i could finish, he had licked his palm again and slipped the hand up my side to the wound. it tingled for a few seconds, then stopped hurting completely.

"thank you." i murmured.

"now, tell me the truth."

i chose to play dumb. "about what?"

"now. please."

i groaned. "fine."

[ACTUALLY edited] (more stuff cut to make this somewhat more sane)

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