Chapter 10 - Weapons

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Y/N's POV:

i woke up in steven's room with the vague memory of him carrying me to bed after i cried myself to sleep in his arms.

steven was pacing in front of the bed, glancing at me as i tiredly sat up. "we need to talk" was the first thing he said.

"shout what?" i yawned, not quite awake enough to be worried about his state.

he was acting like a completely different person. sweet, comforting steven was gone, replaced by an angry and impatient one.

"don't play dumb with me. what happened last night?" he stopped to stand firmly in front of me.

"nothing, it was just a nightmare," i shrugged nonchalantly. i cleared my throat awkwardly and stood up, preparing to make some sort of excuse to escape.

"(Y/N)." he held out an arm to stop me. "talk to me, please."

i shook my head, "there's nothing to talk about." i paused when i noticed his eyes. bright pink irises with a diamond shaped pupil. freaky. at least he wasn't pink, right?

"please, i want to help you." he sighed, giving me a softer look.

"you can't help everyone." i snapped defensively.

in the blink of an eye, steven grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall. he held me there for less than a breath, before jumping away inhumanly quickly with wide eyes.

my heart was pounding, tears hot on my waterline. of course, he was violent. he was a man. i swallowed my surprise, silently slinking towards the door and rushing out of the house.

i stopped walking only when i reached jasper's clearing.

"are we training today?" jasper yelled from her cave.

i sighed, sitting down on a tree stump. "i need your advice." rocks came hurling out of the cave, and i threw them to the side. "no training."

"fine." jasper appeared in my view, looking unamused.

"i think i can talk to dead people in my dreams." i started. "i mean- i can do it while im awake if i concentrate, but it hurts. anyways, i have the same nightmare every night. and i see them every night."

jasper had caught on. "and you're at his house. does he know?"

"kind of. he woke me up in the middle of it last night, and got physical with me this morning when i refused to talk about it." i shook my head in dejection. "i can't tell him. my father doesn't want anyone to know, and that could make steven a target."

"kill your father, then." jasper shrugged.

"no way!"

jasper sighed heavily. "i'm gonna regret saying this, but... i would tell him. sure, he's annoying. but he likes to help people. that's his thing." she was obviously getting bored with the topic. "have you figured out what gem you have, yet?"

"no." i pulled down my shirt and studied the gem in my chest. i was dark green and glittered in the sunlight.

"summon your weapon, that'd help me narrow it down."

"I don't know how."

"focus, and summon it." she easily snapped her helmet into existence.

i put my hands around my gem and concentrated. "i don't- what do i focus on?"

"- sword or an axe or something!" She snapped back in annoyance.

i closed my eyes, cycling through all the weapons i could think of. a sword, an axe, a gun? a whip, or a bow, or... a spear maybe?

light emitted from my gem, and my eyes snapped open. a green and black bow hovered in the air above me. the bow had green vines etched into it, and an arrow with a jet black tip stood waiting next to it.

"cool." i reached up to touch it, feeling the cool texture against my skin.

"hm. i don't know many gems with a bow." jasper studied the bow, then hit my back impatiently. "shoot something, already!"

it seemed like second nature as i stood and knocked the arrow back, pulling the string taut. the arrow shot towards the boulder, and an audible crack rang though the forest. the boulder cracked into a million pieces and crumbled to the ground.

"nice." jasper muttered, clapping me on the shoulder.

the arrow dissipated and reappeared in the bow, ready for reuse.

[ACTUALLY edited] (y/n is so quirky guys omg 🤪)

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