Chapter Four - Giving In

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Y/N's POV:

i had turned my room upside down, and still couldn't find my phone. i always keep it close by, so there was no way i could just lose it.

i sat down on my mattress in defeat, eyes wandering to the flock of birds settled on the tree outside of my window. i could see my fathers car pulling out of the driveway, signaling the start of his week-long trip to empire city.

he left his friend, derek, to watch me. even though derek was most definitely in a drunken sleep on the couch, and probably would be for the entire week.

i closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and letting my mind wander.

Steven's POV:

pearl and i were sitting on the balcony outside, watching the sunset. my eyes fluttered to a heap of moment in the sand, and confusion filled me. there was a crane standing calmly a few yards away, staring right at me. i waved at it with an awkward smile, and it flew off.

pearl hummed, "that was odd. i don't think i've ever seen a crane around here before."

"maybe it's flying south for the winter?" i shrugged.

she sighed heavily, resting her head in her palm. "steven, it's spring."


"so, are you still talking to that girl?"

"(Y/N)? yeah, she doesn't like me though." i looked down, determination swirling in my chest. "i think something's going on with her, i'm gonna figure it out."

"maybe she simply doesn't want to be friends. you should respect that." she put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"yeah... maybe." i hopped off the railing, already deep in thought as i walked back up to my room.

i was standing in pure darkness, like my eyes were veiled. i could barely feel the ground beneath my feet. when i took my first breath in, i could hear crying a few feet away from me.

i took a step towards the sound, but was stopped by a man's voice. "stop." the voice echoed through the darkness, rattling my bones.

like a spotlight appearing, i could suddenly see the source of the crying. a girl was on the ground in front of me, her knees hugged to her chest. (Y/N).

the man spoke again, "i said stop!"

i reached through the darkness to touch her shoulder and she let out a loud scream. her head shot up, eyes wide and tearful as they landed on me. she looked confused, taking in every inch of my appearance before speaking. "now you're in my dreams, too?"

"um, sorry. i can't really control it." i muttered. what... is this?"

she stood up, looking away from me. "you should wake up before it starts." the ground started to rattle, making me lose my balance and stumble forward a bit.

"what do you mean?"

thousands of whispers filled the air, rushing towards us like a waterfall.

she grabbed my shoulders, shaking me with a terrified expression. "wake up, steven! now! wake up!"

i jumped straight up and out of bed, sweating profusely. after a few thousand deep breaths to calm myself down i checked my cookie cat clock.

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