Chapter Three.

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"I really think you should just let people know you're the one who puts this all together" Emily mumbles as we sit around in the meeting room, waiting for Jordan and Perri to turn up. "I don't want it that way, I just want to be able to go home and not me bombarded with people asking me what either of them smell like or how they have their tea" I mumble, as I pull a hand through my hair, letting the lose curls fall out through my fingers. "It's just a waste of potential" Emily whispers, as I move from the seat I was sitting in as the footsteps in the hallway approach the door. "Everything's in the notebook, any changes they want to make write in the green pen" I whisper, as I head into the mixing room, the door closing behind me as the door to the studio opens, and the laugh of Perri is heard the throughout the room. "Morning guys, how are we?" Emily smiles, she was always a good host, always pleasant towards the boys and the boys loved to work with her, it just made more sense in my head for it to plan out this way.

"Were good, I think I've broke my back with Ash's training routine, but nothing a day off won't fix" Jordan chuckles, as Perri rolls his eyes. "You're just getting old, it's okay to admit it, this is a safe room" Perri laughs, as I laugh with him, he didn't realise how funny he was. "So, we've set up the schedule for the next twelve weeks, I know it's a lot to take in, but anything you want to change let us know and we will get straight on it, also the photo shoot is booked for an hours time down the hallway" Emily smiles, as Jordan smiles back. "Always so organised" He teases, as I smirk, I was and he knew it. "The only thing I can't understand is the different handwriting, did someone help with the planning?" Perri questions, his eyebrows raised slightly as he looked up at Emily, who was now shuffling her feet around on the floor. "Everyone has their best handwriting and their scruffy rushed one" Emily chuckles as I mentally hit myself, I should of thought about that "yeah you're right" Perri mumbles, but as I looked at his facial expression, I could tell something wasn't right.

I stood and watched as the guys read over the notes, laughing at some of them, enjoying some others and I don't think there was anything they didn't like or didn't agree with, which was great to know, it meant I was doing my job right, that I knew them well enough to know what they wanted on their show, even if we hadn't spoken a word to each other. "Where did you say the photo shoot was?" Jordan questions, as he stands up from the seat he was siting in. "It's near studio three, in the boardroom, I can walk you down in you like?" Emily smiles, as both of the males nod their head. "Yeah, I just need to make a call, but then I'll meet you outside" Jordan smiles, as him and Perri leave the room, Emily coming to join me in the mixing room. "I don't know how much longer I can lie that this isn't me planning everything" Emily whispers as I shake my head. "Once everything falls into place it'll be easier" I mumble, as I walk out of the mixing room, picking the notes up and placing them in the laptop bag I was carrying. "Are you coming down to the photo shoot?" Emily questions from behind me. "I guess so, but I'll be in the green screen room as usual" I chuckle, as Emily rolls her eyes. "Why will you be in the green screen room?" A voice calls from the doorway, and I look up, meeting the beautiful brown eyes I had looked into a few days ago. "I-Uh" I start to try and form words, but they don't function as actual words, so I do the only thing I know how to do, and walk out the door, Perri's firm gaze following me as I walked, Emily sighing behind me.

As I walk into the hallway, I see Jordan who smiles at me, I give a small smile back, before heading down the hallway into the green screen room, other workers saying 'hello' as I walk by, giving a small smile back to them.

But back in studio one, Perri and Emily were deep in conversation. "why does she just leave? She did it the other day to the point where I questioned if she was even a real person" Perri whispers, as Emily shakes her head. "It's not my place to tell you about her, she just someone who's around, works in the background" Emily mumbles. "There's more to it" Perri mumbles, as he follows Esme's actions and walks out into the hallway, meeting Jordan. "Did you just see the girl?" He questions as Jordan looks at him with one eyebrow raised. "The girl, piercing green eyes?" Perri questions as Jordan nods his head. "She just keeps walking away from me and I don't know why it's bothering me so much" Perri mumbles, as Jordan chuckle to himself. "That's the female mind for you, makes you question what you've done wrong and most of the time it's nothing" Jordan states, as Perri nods his head, both of the best friends walking to studio three, the questions spinning around Perri's head.

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