Chapter 1: My life

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Hi, my name is Shane Thomason Smith, I am 19, out of the house, living with my boyfriend Jay, and I'm happy.

A year ago my ex, Zane, left me saying it was safer if him and I split up. All because his uncle, who had just got out from being locked up for 8 years, wanted to use me to hurt him. And, there was a bitch names Jacklyn that didn't like me, but liked Zane, so she used me as bait to get what she wanted from Zane.

He said he would be back, but after 6 months of waiting for him to come back to me, I got tired of hurting and waiting. I graduated, then started dating my best friend Jay. 2 months into the relationship he was kicked out of his place when he came out, so he bought an apartment and I moved in with him.

I couldn't be happier right now.

My best friends, Gabe, Sammy, Jay, Ethan, and Laina are all very nice and loving. I love them all so much, they helped me so much after the breakup. It took me months to recover form that, I was broken till they showed me I wasn't completely broken.

Life's been going good, I have a good job, a nice apartment, a wonderful boyfriend, good friends, no drama, life's alright.

I'm not as "emo" anymore, but I still love hair dye, and I haven't let my piercings heal yet. I got 3 tattoos, I tapered my ears, and my hair is purple. I don't wear as much "emo" clothes anymore, but the music and hair thing is all the same.

I still wonder about how Zane's doing, and only god knows how much I miss him. I love Jay, I really do, but Jay wasn't my first everything. Sure, Jay was my first kiss, but Zane was my first everything, my first love. You always miss them when their gone.

I have talked to Chance and Ethan about how he is, but the last time I've heard about him was 2 months ago, and it was seriously "He's doing okay". I got no information, and that's so annoying! I just want to know he's alive, he's safe. I might have moved on romantically, but I do miss him. I know he'll come back to me, unless he's dead (which I'll kill his ghost if he is), but when is the question. I know he won't like the fact that I'm dating Jay, especially the fact I'm living with Jay, but he can't do anything about it I guess.

I still have his hoodie, and I still fit into it like I used to (I haven't grown in weight or height), and I still have the ring... I keep the ring on a necklace that I always wear. See, I can't fully let go. My cousin, Madeline, still has her picture of her and him in their capes because he actually made her believe he was a superhero. She's still waiting anxiously for him to come back, seems like she was more hooked than I was. Before I had a hard time talking about him, to anyone, but I've gotten much better at it.

I miss him, and I want him to come back. I want us to start off as friends, not where we left off. I want to hear all about if he got rid of Jacklyn and his uncle Jason, and how he did it. I want to hear if he actually started driving again (his PTSD was pretty bad), and I want to know how he feels about it. I want to know if he got away from his "job", and if so how? If he hasn't, then I am going to force him too.

Those 5 months after the breakup, it was torcher just having to stare at him, praying to god I'd end up with him again. So, overall, its been 6 months after graduation, and I just turned 19. I haven't seen him in about 8 months, now thats something im curious about. Not only has it been a little over a year since our breakup, its been 8 months since I've seen his face. I still wonder why he never came back to school 2 months before graduation. Does he look the same? Has he gotten hurt again? Am I gonna find more scars or injuries on him when i see him again?

Will he be happy?

Thats all I want to know, really? Is he happy? I hope so, because I am. I am finally happy, and I hope and pray he is too.

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