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Part 1 John Boyega 


"It's fine really?" I lied into the phone. 

"I'm really sorry babe." Jessica cooed into the phone as if that it's self would take away from any of my disappointment. "I promise I'll make it up to you." She purred causing me to softly roll my eyes. "I love you." She said.

"Mmhmm. Talk to you later." I said quickly disconnecting the call. Completely childish I know. But at this point I didn't really care anymore. Not enough to be the more mature person in this situation. Not even enough to say I love you back. 

Maybe it's because I was a tad bit past upset. Livid really. But regardless of that there was really nothing more I could do in this matter. I'd just have to suck it up. 

"Bartender!" I called out. Not really wanting to look up from the bar from which I sat. 

"Change your mind?" She asked leaning over onto the bar just before me. 

"That seems to the theme for the day." I said shaking my head softly. 

"Anything you want to talk about?" She asked causing me to slowly peer into her face. Absolutely gorgeous. 

"To an absolute stranger." I said with a friendly chuckle. "I'd rather not." 

"Well we're only strangers because we haven't formally met." She said tilting her head to meet my gaze. "I'm Dodger." She said placing her hand out for me to take. 

"John." I said taking her hand into mine and shaking it lightly. "Nice to meet you Dodger." I said before releasing her small brown hand. 

"Nice to meet you too John." She said tucking one of her fallen black coils behind her ear. "So since you don't want to tell me what's bothering you ..." She said cutting her big brown eyes at me. "What can I get for you?" She asked before grinning. Her dimples now on full display. 

"Pino Giorgio." I said with a shoulder shrug. I wasn't a big drinker. To be honest I wasn't much of a drinker at all really. I had learned to appreciate a good glass of wine every now and then. And tonight was a now and then. 

"Coming right up." She said playfully winking and giving me a thumbs up. I laughed out loud even though I hadn't exactly meant to. 

I watched on as she spoke with more bar patrons before moving over toward the spirits. Something about her movement seemed so effortless. If I hadn't been sitting up so high I would have thought she was floating. But her feet were clearly placed on the ground. However graceful she might have seemed. 

I watched as she passed out drinks before walking over to me. "And a pinot Giorgio for the gentleman." She said attempting to mimic my accent. 

"What?" I asked almost choking on my own tongue while laughing. 

"No?" She quizzed feigning offense. 

"What even is that?" I asked taking the wine glass into my hand and taking a small sip. 

"Aren't you British?" She asked with a raised brow.

"That I am." I said placing my glass onto a coaster. "But a British accent that was not." I said tilting my head toward her. Right brow raised.

"Damn." She said playfully. Pretending to be hurt. "And I've been working on that." She added before scrunching her face up. "Not even close huh?" She quizzed causing me to shake my head wildly. My dreads swinging feverishly about. 

"Nah." I said mimicking her accent. "Not even close mate." I said returning to my normal speaking voice. "You see you've got to feel it deep inside of you." I said taking unnecessary air into my chest.  "Right about here." I said pointing at the center of my chest. 

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