4 Years Later

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*(y/n)'s POV*

Went out one night to make a little round

I met Little Sadie and I shot her down

Went back home, jumped into bed

44 pistol under my head

I woke up in the morning about half past nine

The hacks and the buggies standing in line

Gents and gamblers standing around

Taking little sadie to her burying ground

I began to think of what a deed I'd done

I grabbed my hat and away I did run

Made a good run, just a little too slow

They overtook me in jericho

I bobbed my head to the music as I leaned against the wall at the bar while Joel stood next to me. "Here you go." Tommy said as he hands us our drinks. "Thanks, Tommy." Joel said as we take our drinks and I take a sip. "So, how are the boys?" Maria asked us, referring to our sons Aiden and Ethan. "They're doing good. Being awnry as ever." I replied.

"Wonder where they got that from?" Tommy asked, sarcastically, as he glances over at Joel. "Hey!" Joel said, slightly offended, while I sniggered. "I don't know, it's a total mystery." I said, feigning ignorance, and Tommy and Maria laugh as Joel shakes his head. "Oh, I see how it is." He grumbles but I could see a faint of a smile on his lips.

"You know I love you." I said as I lean up and kissed his cheek. "Mmhmm." He hums and I wrap my arm around his arm.

"Anyway, I think maybe in a couple of days we should have a family get together. Maybe like a movie night or something." Tommy suggested and Joel and I smiled. "That sounds nice. Aiden and Ethan would love to see you guys again." I said and Joel nods in agreement. 

"Have you guys talked to Ellie?" Maria asked us and Joel and I give her a sad look. "What happened between you guys?" She asked and I run my hands over my eyes. "I-It's...complicated." Joel replied and Tommy and Maria nodded, although I could tell that they weren't satisfied with the answer.

Then the song ends and a softer and slower song started to play and Joel smiles. He sets his drink down on the table before he grabs my hand. "C'mon." He whispers and I set my drink down just as he leads me to the dance floor as other couples get there.

"Joel, what are you doing?" I asked, curiously, just as we stopped walking and I stand in front of him. "Just follow my lead." He said and he places his right hand around my waist then takes my right hand into his left and we start to slow dance to the music.

I smirked as I placed my left hand on his shoulder then the both of us swayed side to side. "Y'know...this is nice. I miss this." I said and he chuckles, softly. "I mean, don't get me wrong...I love our sons but...sometimes I miss these times of just you and me." I said to him. "Oh, trust me...you ain't the only one." He said and I laugh, softly.

I take my right hand out of his hand then wrapped my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. Both of us stare into each others eyes, lovingly, then he starts to smile. "What?" I asked him. "Nothin'." He said but he still had that smile on his face.

"What's going on in your head, cowboy?" I asked him, curiously, and he chuckles. "It's just...it's just that this right here..." he said as he nods at me. "Reminded me of our wedding day." He said and I smiled. "Oh yeah?" I said. "Yeah...I remember thinking how beautiful you were...and how lucky I was to have you." He said.

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