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(A/N: I don't know if I made this clear but I am NOT following the story of the game, exactly. A good chunk of the story I am keeping but the thing that I am mainly changing is Joel's fate as the more I think about it the more I don't like how it was handled. So Joel's fate will be different in this story. And there are some stuff that y'all will noticed I changed and I did that on purpose to make the story make a bit more since)



I groan as I hear the sound of someone knocking on the front door. Then I felt the spot next to me on the bed shift and I open my eyes to see that Joel was getting up. I raise my head to see that it wasn't even sunlight yet. "What the hell?" I groaned, sleepily, as he gets out of the bed. "I got it." Joel said and he walks down the stairs.

I run my hands over my eyes and make the effort to get up out of bed. I head down the stairs to see Joel talking to Tommy. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked them as I make my way down the stairs. "Yeah, we got a report on a horde of infected out north. Maria wants us to go check it out." Tommy explains as Joel comes to stand next to me.

"Okay." I said, nodding, then I turn to Joel. "Just be careful, okay?" I said to him. "Of course." He said and I smirked before I lean up and kissed his cheek. As Joel heads upstairs to get ready, I turn to Tommy. 

"You want me to make you something before you boys head out?" I asked him. "Nah, I've got some food packed up we should be good for the next few hours. But thanks." Tommy said and I nod. "Okay, suit yourself. I guess I better go ahead and cook breakfast for the munchkins before they decide to wake up." I said as I head into the kitchen.

After gathering up what I needed, I set them on the counter and was about to start cooking when I hear heavy footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Joel, now dressed up in his winter clothing, walking towards me. "I'll be back in a few hours." He said. "You better." I said and Joel chuckles before he comes up to me, leans down and kisses me.

Once we break the kiss, I look at him in the eyes and give a worried look to him. Even though he and I have done these patrols before and we've been through hell and back, I still get scared of what could happen to him.

"Please be careful." I whispered to him. "Always." He mutters then gives me a quick kiss on the lips again before he walks over to his brother. "Hey." I said and he turns to me. "I love you." I said and he smiles. "Love you, too." He said and I smiled as he goes over to Tommy.

"You be careful too, Tommy." I called out to him. "Will do." Tommy shouts and the two men leave the house.

Few hours later, after cooking breakfast and getting Ethan and Aiden up and about, we finished eating our breakfast and then I made the boys get dressed as it was time for them to get ready for daycare.

"Alright boys, you got your boots and your coats, your bags?" I asked them. "Yes, Mommy." They said, in unison, as they come up to me dressed up for the winter. I kneel down and check them over, making sure everything was in check, when there was a knock at the door.

I get up and open the door to see Jesse standing there. "Jesse! What brings you here?" I asked him. "Maria wanted me to tell you to meet her at the mess hall, I think she wants you out on patrol as well. I'm...about to go get Ellie so she could go on her routes." He said and I nod. "Okay, yeah. Well, let me grab my stuff and take the boys to daycare and I'll be there." I said.

"Cool. See you in a minute." He said and I nod at him then shut the door as he turns to leave. "Okay, stay right here, boys. I have to go get my backpack." I said as I head upstairs. "You about to go fight monster again?" Aiden asked, worriedly. "Yes, but don't worry. It shouldn't be too long. Besides, your father should be home soon." I said as I pick up the old familiar backpack, looked through all of my weapons, then put it on.

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