Seattle, Day 1

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"This hunter was on top of him...drowning him. And...Joel couldn't reach for his gun." Ellie said to Dina as we rode on our horses through the luscious forest. Her and Dina were riding Shimmer and I was riding my own horse, Dixie. "Jeez...were you scared?" Dina asked her. "Well, I didn't even think, I just...ran in there, grabbed his gun and...shot the guy in the face before (y/n) could do anything." Ellie said.

"How old were you?" Dina asked her, curiously. "Fourteen. How old were you when you first killed someone?" Ellie asked her. "We talking infected?" Dina asked. "No. Fully conscious non-fungal person." Ellie said. "Ten." Dina replied and I look at her in shock.

"Ten years old? What happened?" I asked her. "Guy was coming at my mom and I stabbed him." She replied. "Shit." Ellie mutters, shocked. "Damn." I said. "What about you, (y/n)?" Dina asked. "My first human kill?" I asked and she nods.

"It was a few months after the outbreak. Joel and I were out scavenging when a group of these assholes jumped us at this old store. Two of the men pinned Joel down while one of the men grabbed me and started dragging me towards this back room." I said and both girls give me scared look. "The man shut the door and...I was beyond terrified and I didn't know what to do. The next thing I knew, the guy was trying to get on top of me and tries to hold me down. I grabbed his knife and stabbed him, repeatedly. Eventually, Joel came in the room, along with Tommy who showed up and helped Joel out, and both of them saw what I did to the guy. Myself, the walls and the floor were covered in that man's blood."

"How old were you?" Ellie asked me. "I was twenty-four or twenty-five." I said and we continued trotting on through the forest. "So Dina still got us beat." I said, smirking, and Dina scoffs, playfully, at this. "Yeah, I'm a real badass." She said, sarcastically.

"What about those crazy cannibals you guys ran into? They came after you guys once, maybe the WLF are connected to them?" Dina suggested but Ellie shakes her head. "No. It didn't seem like the same group." She said.

"Maybe this is black market smugglers back in Boston?" Dina asked. "Something you should know about me and Joel, Dina, is that we crossed alot of people during the twenty years before we arrived in Jackson. It could just be about anybody, so we should stop guessing...until we get more information and get Joel out of there." I said and Dina nods.

"Guys, look! Cars!" Dina said, pointing at some abandoned cars. "Yeah, we're getting close." I said and a few moments later, we come up to this old highway. "This way." I said and we continue onwards. "Sure seems quiet." Dina points out. "Yeah. Think about how well we hide our lookouts." Ellie replied and I nod. "I know. That's what scares me." said Dina then we come up to a an old large quarantine zone gate.

"Whoa! Is that the QZ?" Dina asked. "Yup." Ellie and I replied. "Watch the high spots." I warned and we got close to the gate to see something spray painted on the door. "WLF. Trespassers killed on site." Dina reads. "That's friendly." She remarks, sarcastically.

"At least we know we're in the right place." I said as we dismount our horses. "Where is everyone?" Ellie asked. "They put up this sign...means there's gotta be a way in." I said and we started to look around. Then we climbed on top of an old trailer then over some holding calls.

"Are those cages?" Dina asked as we walked on top of them. "Holding cells. Soliders used them back in Boston as well." I replied. "Guys! Help me up here." Ellie said as she stands next to a broken ladder. Dina and I go over to her and help her up to the ladder. "Ellie, be careful." I said to her and she nods as she climbs up and Dina and I make our way back down to the front gate.

We get back on solid ground and I could see Ellie running across some old walkway then she jumps over to an old scaffolding. As she jumps towards it, she barely makes it as she grabs onto the side. "Ellie!" I called out, fearfully, as she climbs up on the platform. "I'm okay!" She calls out and I sigh with relief and she makes her way over the large gate.

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