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And there it is...the end. Kinda sad as I really loved writing this as this pairing has now been my favorite to write about.

But I wanna say thank you guys for reading and commenting on this story. It really warmed my heart when people called my version of this story a Masterpiece as I know everyone was upset with the real sequel. And it was kinda funny to see people say that I'm a better writer than Neil Druckmann, but I don't know about that.

I think the guy has talent he just needs the right people around him as I found out that most of the people who worked on the first Last of Us with him had left Naughty Dog after they did Uncharted 4, so he basically had a whole new team when he wrote this game.

Anyway, I don't know if I'm gonna do any like bonus Chapters of this series, like flashbacks to when Joel and (y/n) were dating or maybe during their 20 years as survivors or other What If scenarios but we will see.

I even listened to this 10 part video about the original story of the Last of Us pt 1 and I kinda thought about doing that one as it was very interesting to hear how different the story was but...we will see. If you guys are interested let me know! And if you're wondering what that series is called, it's by a YouTuber called the iPadcat and the series is called The Last of Us could have been very different.

Also I want to say, if Naughty Dog does decide to do a part 3, I don't think I would do a fic of it cause I'm sure they would focus on Abby and Lev like it seems that's what they want. Plus in the real game, Joel is dead so what the hell am I suppose to do?! But we will see.

And for people wondering about my Male!Ellie x Reader story, yes I am still gonna write it! It just might be some time before I go back into this game and plus I don't know what I'm gonna do and what direction I wanna take the sequel to that story to.

Part of me wants to follow the game and part of me wants to change it up a bit like I did for this fic. And part of me wants to follow this really fantastic re-write of the sequel by a Youtuber called A Closer Look. I shared his video on this site before but if you guys haven't watched it, please go check it out.

The video is an hour and forty-eight minutes long but he basically goes over what doesn't work in the story and why it doesn't work then he gives out his re-write of the story.
It was really interesting and it did what a sequel should do.

I also wanna give a shout out to my friend, Emerald C. Rhee-Grimes. They had helped me out with this story and a few others where we just went back and forth on how certain scenes should go and how the dialogue would flow and tried to keep it in character as best as we could.

So thank you for helping me out, my friend!

So I wanna say, thanks again for everything! I love you guys!

Also, I have a book called The Last of Us Imagines that has some alternate chapters for this book and an Alternate Universe story of the first game.

So go check that out!

Stay safe!

Make every shot count!

Keep finding something to fight for!

Endure and Survive!

Have a great day!

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