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"Look...I don't want to kill you or this young lady..." I said as I nod towards Mel. "Just hand him over and I'll let her go...and then we'll leave." I said as I nod to Joel. "Yeah, right. After everything you and him did, you think we'd just let you guys go?" Owen spat at me, as he gestures at Joel. "You should be thankful that I'm giving you a choice." I growled.

"How about I shoot you and him that way you two will be here when Abby comes back." Owen said. "Owen please..." Mel pleads then I signaled to Ellie. She pops up next to me and aims her gun at Owen. "Looks like you're outnumbered, pal." She said as Owen looks at her, surprised as well as does Joel.

"We just want Joel. And you two can go on your Merry way." Ellie said, in a low tone. "But if either of you or your friend, Abby, set foot back in Jackson again...you will regret it." I threatened as I hear Mel sniffling and Owen glares at me. "I will personally make sure of that." I growled. Owen looks at me and Ellie then at Mel before he looks down at Joel.

"Owen...Owen please....this isn't worth it!" Mel pleads as Owen has his eyes shut tight, almost like he was contemplating something. "Owen, please!" Mel begs, frantically, before Owen looks up at me while Joel looks up at him.

"Fuck it." Owen growls and he aims the gun at Joel. "No!" I shout and before Ellie and I could do anything, Owen shoots Joel in the head. "No!" Ellie and I shout and I immediately shot Mel in the head. "Mel!" Owen screamed then both Ellie and I shoot at Owen multiple time before he falls backwards.

"Joel!" I cry out and I run over to him. I kneel down and turn him on his back and see his eyes open but there was no life in them, a bullet hole between his eyes. "Joel? Joel?!" I cried as I cradled him. "No, no, no, no, no!" I screamed and held him as Ellie cries with me.

I sit up, quickly, and start to hyperventilate at this then I place my hand over my chest as I try to slow down my breathing. I look out the window and noticed that it was still dark outside but I could see that the night sky was getting a bit brighter, which meant dawn was approaching.

"(Y/n), honey?" Joel's voice said as he sits up next to me and places his arm around me.

"Hey, hey...it's okay." He said, softly, as I continue to hyperventilate but it started to slow down once I hear his voice. "Just breathe. In and out." Joel coaxes me as he runs his hands up and down my arms and I do as he says. Finally, my breathing turned back to normal and I look over at him and I could see a concerned look on his face. "Nightmares again?" Joel asked me and I nod.

It had been almost two years since the whole Abby situation and even though I got Joel back, safe and sound, I started to have nightmares soon after we got back. Mostly of what if's, like what if I didn't save Joel back in Seattle. It was always different scenarios, it was either between Owen or Abby who would kill him and it just ended with me holding him, crying.

I tried my best to not bother Joel about it but he found out, one night, when he woke up in the middle of the night and found me sitting the living room, reading a book. He asked me why I was up and I would brush it off but he would persist until I finally revealed what happened. After that, if I had any more nightmares he would stay up with me, hold me and tell me that everything was okay.

Ever since he did that, the dreams became more and more infrequent and until now it had been weeks since I had a nightmare.

"I just want this shit to go away." I grumbled under my breath. "Yeah, I know. But it seems it's getting better. You hadn't had one in a while." Joel said and I give a slight nod before I look back over to him. "Sorry, that I woke you." I said. "It's alright. You're more important." He said and I smile at him.

The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel Miller x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now