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After sneaking around the soldiers and getting to the one available boat, Ellie starts it up and we began to take off just as the WLF noticed us. They fired their guns at us but we got out of there before they could do any serious damage. "Steady." I said to Ellie as she steers the boat out of the old mall and towards the outdoors. 

"There! We did it!" She said once we got out. "Great! Now...Where's that Ferris wheel?" I asked as we head on. "Uhhh...oh, there!" Ellie said as she points ahead. I follow her finger and see the wheel was still a bit aways. "Okay, let's just head that way." I said and she steers the boat. Almost there. Please be alive, Joel. I thought

At one point, we ran into a middle of a warzone of the Scars and WLF and Ellie slows the boat down. "What do we do?" She asked me as I look over the situation. It looked like the WLF were losing the battle and the only way to make it to the wheel was to drive through the building the Scars were residing in.

I sigh then shake my head at this. "Fuck it. Just continue on through." I said and I pull out my pistol. "You sure?" She asked. "Yeah, I'll just shoot if any of them sees us." I replied and she nods and steers the boat through the building. The WLF soldiers were killed by a molotov thrown by the Scars just as the Scars saw us and started to whistle.

I raise my gun and fire at any of them I could see as Ellie kept going through. We make it pass them, taken a few out in the process, and see that the wheel was getting closer. We go through some old buildings until we come up to an old arcade and the door to lead us out was closed. I looked up and saw that some debris were tangled up with the chain.

"Of course, cause that would've been too easy." Ellie said, annoyed, and we get out of the boat. "We're almost there." I said as I looked out the door and see that the Ferris Wheel was just right there. "Come on." I said and we make our way through the building.

Ellie and I make our way to the upstairs and come up to a large double door. I go to it but the door wouldn't budge. "Really?" I grumbled. "We could get up there." Ellie said as she points at the gap on top of the door. "Good idea....see anything we can use to get up there?" I asked her as we look around.

"Over here!" She said and she runs over to a crate that we could move. I go over to her and start to help push when we heard a loud crack under our feet. Before we could react, both of us and the crate fall through the floor and land on the bottom level of the arcade.

"Shit." I grumbled as Ellie muttered. "Fuck!" 
I look over and was about to ask her if she was okay until I heard a familiar growling noise. We look up and see a Bloater near us as it munched on a dead body, but then it looked up and noticed us. 

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed. "I was beginning to wonder when you fucks would show up in Seattle!" Ellie yelled and we begin to run as the Bloater started to come after us. We split off into different directions as I pulled out my shotgun and began to fire at the monster.

It came at me just as Ellie threw a molotov at it. The Bloater roars in pain and started to go after her but I fired my shotgun at it a few times while she threw another molotov. A few more infected started to come out and attack us but we were able to take them out as the Bloater finally died.

Once the dust settled, Ellie and I exchange a look before I said. "Okay, now...back to that damn wheel." Ellie nods and we begin to make our way back up on the upper floor and see the debris that the chain was tangled up in. We grabbed the long pole and pull it back, making the chain untangle from it.

"Great!" Ellie said and we head back down towards the boat. I go over to the chain and pull on it, making the gate open, while Ellie started the boat up again. She moves the boat over to me and I get in and we head out. The wind and the rain was blowing harder, the thunder rumbled and the lightening strikes as we make our way to the wheel.

The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel Miller x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now