Seattle, Day 2

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Present Day

I start to open my eyes to see that I had fallen asleep in the theater seats. I look around to see that Ellie was gone, so I figured she was awake and around this place somewhere.

I let out a sigh then look down to see the guitar she found was leaning against the chair. I smile at it then pick it up and lightly strum the strings. I hope you're alive, Joel. I thought. I don't know what I'd do without you. I let out sigh and set the guitar down when I heard what sounded like a radio transmission.

"What the..?" I muttered and I get up and walk out of the theater and into the lobby. I noticed that Dina wasn't asleep on the couch, so I figured she was awake as well. The radio noises were coming from upstairs and I follow the sounds until I make it to this door, where the lights were on and the sounds of someone throwing up.

I open it to see Dina bent over a trash can while Ellie was kneeled down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Morning sickness. Don't miss that." I said as I walk in and the girls look up at me. "Hey." They said to me and I nod. "How you feelin', Dina?" I asked her. "Like someone dropped a bunch of bricks on me." She replied and I look at her, sympathetically.

"Surprised to see that radio working." I said and I squat down to see that they had a map of the city and the pictures we found. "Yeah. Just a loose connection was all that was wrong with it. Antenna." Dina said. "They found our mess at the school." Ellie informed me and I nod. "Good." I said.

"This guy...Owen. He went AWOL." Dina said as she holds up the picture of Owen and Abby and I take it and look at it. "We think maybe Tommy got to him." Ellie said. "Maybe. Or he is wherever they're holding Joel up, being his guard and the others don't know." I said. "That'd be my second guess." Dina said and Ellie nods in agreement.

"What about her?" I asked, pointing at Abby. "Nothing yet." Dina said and I sighed and set the picture down as a woman's voice comes through the radio. "Unit Romero, you are requested at site Two. Repeat. You are requested at site Two."

"So the numbers are locations. The TV station we were at. That's Six. There's a lot of chatter coming out of Two, so we assume that's their home base..." Dina said then she holds her stomach in discomfort. I frown at this then Ellie rubs her back, comforting her. "That helps." She said and the two share a smile, which told me that Ellie must've apologized for what she said last night.

"Casualties reported at Fourteen. All available units report. Over." The woman's voice said. "This is site Thirteen. Unit Lima nearby. How many Scars you get? Over." Another woman said and the the girls and I exchanged looks. "Negative on Scars. Lone male trespasser. Armed. Over." The first woman said.

"Lone male trespasser?" Dina said.

"Tommy." Ellie and I said and I look over the map.

"Where's Fourteen?" I asked. "We're not a 100% sure." Ellie said as Dina looks over the map. "But...if I were to guess...if this is Seven...." Dina said as she points at one part of the map. "Twelve's all the way over here...." she points towards the other side of the map. "I guess it's somewhere in this neighborhood." She said as she circles her finger around the word Hillcrest and I nod at her.

Later, we make our way the front door and start to remove the chair off of the door so that we could head out. But at that moment, I noticed that Dina looked tired, sick and just worn out. "Dina?" Ellie said, worriedly, as Dina bends over and catches her breath. "Yeah. Not good." She said as Ellie places an hand on her shoulder.

I could tell that Ellie really cares for Dina and she was obviously worried about her. 

I frown as I look at them then I let out a heavy sigh. "Ellie..." I said and she turns to me. "I think you and Dina should stay here. I'll go get Tommy and maybe find a way to get to Joel." I said and Ellie's eyes widen. "I-I can't let you go out there on your own!" She exclaims. "Ellie...honey, Dina can't stay here all by herself. Not in her state. I'd feel better if you stayed with her." I said.

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