The TV Station

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*(y/n)'s POV*

We make our way through the old town, avoiding as much WLF and some traps that they set as we could, and got closer to the TV station. "So...when we find this....Leah, was it? What are you guys gonna do?" Dina asked us. "We'll ask her what she knows. See if she knows where they're holding Joel." I replied.

"And if she doesn't talk?" Dina asked and I smirk a bit. "I'll make her talk." I replied as we come up to this wall that was spray painted on. It looked like an older woman, her hair was braided and her hand was raised and there was people around her. The words Feel her love was written next to her.

"Who do you think that is?" Ellie asked me as we look at the wall. "Um, someone who wants us to feel her love." Dina said and I shake my head, slightly. "I don't like it." I muttered. "You guys think she's connected with the Wolves?" Dina asked. "Don't know." Ellie and I replied. "It's kinda fucking weird." Dina remarks and we walk pass the wall then head under what use to be an overpass, where we see some dead infected and a horse.

"Oh shit!" Ellie exclaimed, shocked, as I look over the dead infected. "These guys were all shot." I noted as Ellie walks over to the horse and Dina comes next to me. "Hey, look!" Ellie said and we turn to her as she points at the familiar J mark on the horse's thigh. "It's Tommy's." She said and I look at the poor horse to see that its guts were ripped out.

"Infected did a number on this poor thing." I said as Ellie opens the flap of the saddle bag, checking to see if there was anything. Then Dina begins to vomit and Ellie and I turn to her. "Dina?" I said, worried, as she continues to vomit. "You okay?" Ellie asked her as she stands up and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "Yeah, sorry. It's just...the smell." She said, disgusted, but I raise an eyebrow to her while Ellie shrugs.

"Okay. Well, Tommy must've taken off on foot." Ellie said. "You good to keep going, honey?" I asked Dina, with worry. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said, nodding, then we make our way to the TV station.

"There it is, girls." I said as we finally made it to the station. "Stay low." I warned. "Feels empty." Dina said. "I don't buy it." Ellie said and I shake my head. "Me either." I remarked and we find an open window then make it inside.

We walked inside then get into the main stage, where the reporters would sit and report the news, only to see several bodies hanging in the air and their guts ripped out of their stomach. "Holy fuck!" Dina exclaimed as my jaw was dropped.

"This is definitely not Tommy." I said in a surprised whisper. "Who the fuck did this?" Ellie asked me and I shrug. "I don't know. But I don't want to hang around long enough to find out. Just keep your eyes peeled, girls." I said.

"These bodies are fresh." Dina points out as she gets closer to the hanging bodies and looks them over. "Yeah, like I said, keep your eyes peeled. Whoever did this might still be here." I said and we look around the station then find away up the stairs.

We get to the upper levels of the station and look around until I open a door to an office and see a woman, dead, with three arrows sticking out of her. "That's her. Leah." Ellie said as she comes up next to me. "You sure?" I asked her and she nodded while a weird warble noise sounded out. I look up and see an old radio transmitter sitting on the table in front of us.

"Guess the universe really wanted her dead, huh?" Dina said and she starts to check Leah's body while I look around the room. "There's nothing on her." Dina informed us as I turn back to them and see Ellie pulling out a bag from under a cot.

Then I heard a voice through the radio calling out to their friend, but no response. "Guys." Ellie said as she comes over to me and Dina, holding some pictures in her hand. "It's all of them." She said and hands them to me. 

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