Abby Showdown

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After making it back to the theater, we regrouped and started to patch up our wounds. Joel and I were in another backstage room while Dina was resting in the other room with Ellie. After checking his leg for the bullet wound Abby gave him, I grabbed a bucket full of water and a wash cloth next to me, and I started to wash Joel's face.

"Honey, I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about." He said and I shake my head. "It's okay..." I said but then I winced a bit as I moved my right shoulder a bit. "You sure about that?" Joel asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. He goes over to the table and grabs the first aid kit then opens it.

"Okay...take off your jacket and shirt." He said and I sigh as I remove my jacket and then I take off my shirt, leaving just the tank top on. Joel walks over behind me and looks over my wound. 

"Well...good news is there is an exit wound, so we don't have to dig around to find a bullet." He said. "Thank God." I muttered and he chuckles just as I feel the wet rag hit my wound. I sucked in a breath from the sting of the water hitting my exposed flesh.

"Jesus, (y/n)." I hear him muttered. "What?" I asked him and I feel the back of my shirt being raised, feeling the cool air hitting my back. "These bruises and cuts..." Joel said, concerned. "Well, I did have to fight through hell to find you." I said as Joel ran his fingers along my back. 

"You should've stayed home. You didn't have to come all this way for me." Joel said and I scoff at this. "Oh you wouldn't have done the same if it was either me, Tommy, Ellie or the boys." I said as I look over my shoulder at him. Joel chuckles a bit at this. "Point taken." He mutters and I smiled at him and he starts to clean my wound.

"Speaking of which, how are the boys? They safe?" Joel asked. "They're safe. Maria is watching over them. They've just been worried about their dad being lost." I said. "I didn't want to worry them even more by saying Hey, boys. Uh, your dad was kidnapped and is probably getting beaten senseless, so I have to go save his ass." I said and Joel chuckles a bit. "So I just told them that he got lost and Ellie and I were gonna go find him and bring him back."

"Well, I appreciate it." He said and I giggle at this as he starts to stitch up the wound then my smile fades from my lips. "Joel..." I said, softly, after a few moments of silence. "Hmmm." He hums then I hear him bite down on the string of the sutures and I take a deep breath. "I'm gonna be honest...I was so scared that I was gonna lose you. I kept thinking of the worse case scenario and how to explain it to Aiden and Ethan when I got back...if I made it back." I said and I look down, sadly.

I hear him walk around then he stands in front on me. He gently grabs my chin and pulls my face up towards him. "And when I had one of those assholes cornered, they told me that Abby was gonna kill you tonight if I didn't make it to you in time...." I said, my eyes tearing up. 

"(Y/n)'re never gonna lose me." Joel said as he places his hand on my cheek and strokes it with his thumb. I lean into his touch, never realized how much I missed his touch until he did this. He kisses me lightly on the lips then goes back to fixing up my wound.

Minutes later, he finished cleaning and sewed up my wound then he sits down on the couch and I could tell how tried he looked. "Hey, you go ahead and rest." I said to him as I sit next to him. "What about you? You look like you need it more than me." said Joel. "I'll rest once we get back to Jackson and in our own bed." I said but he didn't seem to want to budge.

"I appreciate your concern, sweetheart. But...I can handle it. You rest." I said, firmly, and a small smirk plays on his lips. "Yes, ma'am." He said then I lean over to him and kiss him once more. I stand up as he starts to lay down on the couch, I kneel down to him then pushed back a strand of his graying hair before I kiss his forehead. 

The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel Miller x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now