I'm Leaving Tomorrow

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That night, I was standing in the living room area of my home, feeling emotionally drained, staring out at the window. The bright full moon shining through the window into an already dimly lit room. After Jesse came down the stairs with Dina, back at the cabin, Tommy finally woke up and told us about the group of people that took Joel away, Washington Liberation Front.

The woman leading the group, Abby.

Ellie told me that she knew mine and Joel's name and her friends wanted to lure me our, knowing I would come and save my husband.

But for the life of me, I don't know who Abby is or why she wants me and Joel. Joel and I have made many enemies throughout the years but we usually were good at taking them out of the equation, under the guides of survival.

I sighed then turned to the couch towards Ellie, who was sitting there. She seemed terrified and sad. I know she did her best but she was overpowered, what more could she do.

"You sure she said my name?" I asked her, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. Ellie looks up at me and nods. "Yeah....her and this guy were arguing on whether to stay or not, and the guy mentions that they should take Joel away. Then she said And what if (y/n) Miller comes after us with an army?" She explains and I sigh then sit down next to her.

I take some deep breathes before I placed my hands over my face, as if to prevent my emotions from bursting out. At that moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I look over at Ellie as she gives me a concern look.

Then there was a knock at the door and both of us look towards the archway that leads out to the hallway. "I'll get it." Ellie said and she gets up and walks to the door, where I hear her opening it. "Ellie!" I hear my sons exclaim and I get up and go out to the hall to see them hugging her, tightly, while Tommy was standing at the doorway, holding a container of what I presume to be food.

Seemed that Maria did get the boys from daycare while I was gone and Tommy brought them over.

"Hey." Tommy said to me. "Mommy!" The boys said and they run to me, I kneel down to them and embrace them. "Mommy, what's wrong?" Aiden asked me. "Where's Daddy?" Ethan asked, worried, and I frowned. "I'll explain later, my darlings, but Ellie and I need to talk to Uncle Tommy, okay?" I said and they frown, obviously upset with my answer.

I know they want to know where Joel is, these boys look up to him, but I just didn't have the heart to tell them that he is missing, at least for now. I need to think of something to soften the blow.

"I need you two to go to your rooms, for now, okay?" I said to them. Aiden and Ethan look at me, like they want to argue, but they seem to let it go and head upstairs. I sigh, shakily, at this then look at Tommy and gesture for him to come into the living room.

The three of us sit down on the couch and Tommy sets the container down on the little coffee table in front of us. "Maria wants to make sure that you guys are eating." Tommy said as he looks away. "She can't stop us." Ellie said, firmly, and I nodded. "Damn right." I said.

"To have the guys that we would need...to do this smart...we'd be leaving Jackson vulnerable." Tommy explains and I turn to look at him. "So they just get to get away this and hold him captive?" I asked him, angrily.

"Nobody wants that." Tommy said. "Yeah, but that's what's happening." Ellie said. "We don't even know if he is alive." Tommy said. "If they wanted him dead, they would've killed him in that cabin. And Ellie said that they were specifically targeting me and Joel. So they want to keep him alive til I get there." I said and Tommy sighs.

"What if we get hit by hunters again?" He asked. "Is this you talking or is this her?" I asked Tommy, angrily. "It's a valid point." Tommy exclaims and I stand up and turn to him. "Bullshit, Tommy! If it were you, me, Ellie or even the boys, Joel would be halfway to Seattle right now." I said. "No, he wouldn't." Tommy said, sadly. "He absolutely fuckin' would be!" I yelled. "She's right, Tommy." Ellie said.

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