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Present Day

I walk up the stairs and into the radio room to see Dina and Ellie talking. "Hey, girls." I said and they look up at me. "Everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we were just talking...." Ellie said and I nod at her as Dina gives an embarrassed smile. "Okay. So, anything worthwhile to report?" I asked, nodding towards the radio.

"Actually, yeah." Dina said and she stands up and walks to the table and Ellie and I walk up next to her. "Abby?" I asked her and she shakes her head. "No...but...This girl, Nora....her unit was assigned this hospital." Dina said as she points at a picture of an African American woman and I pick it up and look at it, Ellie looking over my shoulder.

"They were collecting supplies or something." She said and I look up at the map and see where it says Medical Center. "This hospital." I said, pointing at it. "Yeah." Dina said and I set the picture down. Then I start to walk out of the room. "You're gonna go now?" Ellie asked me. "Yeah, we have a lead. I'll bet you anything she might know where Abby is. And if we can find Abby, we can find Joel." I said and Ellie nods.

"I'll come with you." Ellie said and I look over at Dina. "I'll be fine, if anything I can always wake Jesse up." Dina said and I nod. "Okay. Well, go get your bag, Ellie, and we'll head out." I said and she nods and the two of us head out of the room. "I'll help with the door." Dina said and we gathered up our stuff and head out.

"Alright, if we follow Route 5, that should take us to the hospital." Ellie said as she looks down at her map. "Okay, follow Route 5, track down Nora and have her tell us where Abby is or maybe where Joel is being held." I said. "Easy." Elli said as she puts away her map and we follow the highway signs and head off.

We make our way through some streets and buildings until we climbed up to a wall and I could see a building with a large red cross on it. "There's the hospital." I pointed out to Ellie as she looks out. "Fuck. I thought we'd be closer." She said. "Yeah, me too. But we'll get there." I said to her and she nods and walk over to this building next to us and make our way down then up towards these apartment buildings.

"Do you really think they kept Joel alive?" Ellie asked me as we walked through the apartments. "If they were wanting me as bad as you said they were, I'm sure of it. Like I said, if they wanted to kill Joel, they would've done it back at that cabin. I'm just glad they didn't kill him at the cabin cause if they did, let's just say they would definitely regret it once I met up with these assholes." I said and Ellie nods and we continue walking onwards.

"(Y/n)..." she said and I look over at her. " you think.. maybe...this might have something to do with the Fireflies?" She asked me. "It has crossed my mind and, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was but...I want to be sure." I said. "What if it has something to do with me? You know, when you and Joel...." Ellie stops and she looks down, guilty, and I placed my hands on her shoulder.

"Ellie, listen to me. NOT your fault, okay? If anything, this is mine and Joel's fault. I don't want you to feel guilty for something Joel and I did. We made that decision, it is our burden not yours." I said and Ellie looks down for a moment then up at me and nods.

I give her a small smile and patted her shoulder. "So, you listen here. If anything were to happen to me, like I get captured by these assholes, I want you to find Tommy and you two, along with Jesse and Dina, get the hell outta Seattle and back to Jackson." I said and Ellie's eyes widen. "What?" She said, shocked. "No! N-No, (y/n)! No! W-What about Aiden and Ethan? H-How would I even tell them?!" 

I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears, and open them again to look at her, firmly. "I would love for you guys to watch over them. And just tell them that...their mom and dad went to go see their big sister, Sarah. They'll know." I said and a tear runs down Ellie's face then she sniffled and gives me a determined face.

The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel Miller x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now