D-Day | The Beginning

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Should I escape? I have been alone with no food and water for about two days for god's sake.

I waited yesterday and until now, I'm still waiting for him. But no figure is visible and gave me food. I'm trying to understand that he already left me here to starve and die, but that's not right. I wanted to die, but not slowly, I want it in instant.

"HEY!" I shouted, echoing my voice throughout the basement. "If you are going to lock a person up, atleast give her some fucking food!"

I sighed and flinched as my throat hurts from all that shouting. This is my third time, shouting, throughout my years.

The lights is left turned on, which is not usually right. I stood up and went up the stairs, weakly, coming near to the door. I put my right ear, trying to hear from outside. I can't hear anything until I heard someone groan and some shuffling. I flinched and started to back away from the door.

What was that? Did something happen?

I went to my previous spot before and looked at the pipe which is sitting in a corner. The pipe that I tried attacking my father with and he ended up just having that bruise on his temple. I hastily grabbed it and went my way towards the door, raising my pipe. My other arm reaches for the doorknob to see if it opens and it did, which make me crease my forehead in confusion.

I pushed the door and looked around. My third time seeing the interior of the house since I was a child and I tried to escape, but only ended up getting caught by his other men. Well, I didn't know there was an another guy with him.

I held my pipe tightly and closed the door behind me. I looked around the cabin to see if there are signs of people or him, but nothing.

The cabin is made up of woods, except for the basement door, of course it was made out of metal, but with a doorknob, just like a typical cabin house.

I wandered into the living room, seeing pictures of people that I can't even recognize except for my father. Is this even me? Who is that boy? Is this my...mother?

It was a picture of a happy family, once happy. A little boy that looks older and a little girl that I figured out that it was me, standing infront of mother and father, smiling, widely as if there is no such problem.

I can't remember my brother's name, but he gave me this one and only heart lock necklace that is pair with a key that will fit it in. I have to find him. Mother too.

Something happened in the past that they had no choice, but to leave me with this psychopath.

I looked at the clock while I am raising the pipe and saw that it was already one pm. As I was looking at the clock, I heard some shuffling noises from the kitchen. I wandered slowly through that room and saw a figure, standing and looking at a window. It was my father.

My eyes started to beam lasers through the back of his head, eager to kill him. Why is he just standing though and left the basement door open?

I carefully walk behind him, not trying to have his attention to me. Slowly, but surely.

Why is he groaning like that? Ew.


I closed my eyes in frustration as I stepped into a can, crippling it and making a noise. I opened my eyes and saw him, looking at me.

Blood coming out of his mouth, eyes are white, skin is rotten. Just like the features of a monster.

As I widened my eyes because of the sight that I am seeing, he growled and came slowly near me, but it became faster and faster. Why is he like that?

I hit him with a pipe as a result of being scared. My eyes turned into anger from fear. He fell down, but got up immediately.

"Why won't you die?" I said, voice getting louder, with tears falling from my eyes. "W-why did you that and this?"

As soon as he got back up, I hit him really hard using the pipe that it makes his blood and part of flesh to went everywhere including my shirt. He stumbled down, but earned his pace again.

"Y-you never told me the reason." I cried out loud. "W-why won't you speak? Why are you still a-alive?!"

This time, I hold my pipe horizontally and strike it into his head, making more blood visible and coming out of his rotten skin. I left the pipe there and saw him fell down. My head started to spin and my back found its way into a wall, sliding down until I completely sat on the floor.

"Why did you have to make me suffer?" I closed my eyes, flinching from the hurt that I am feeling.

"But atleast, I have my freedom now."



I opened my eyes and squinted because of the sunlight coming through the window. I grabbed my head, hurt throbbing in as I sprawled on the floor, my whole body is under the carpet.

"W-what happened?" I mumbled, sitting out, but with my eyes still closed.

I opened it again, slowly, and looked around, seeing the members scattered on the room. Some of them used each other as pillow like Yuta and Mark, Jungwoo is sleeping with his legs on the couch while his back is on the floor and arms is over Mark. Taeil is sitting on a chair, legs crossed and mouth agaped open. Haechan's head is sitting on Johnny's stomach. Doyoung is side-sleeping on the floor.

'Where's Taeyong?' I thought to myself as I looked around. I looked behind me and jumped, seeing him sitting with his back on a wall and he looked like he just woke up.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

I looked at my watch on my arm and saw, "It's already quarter to one."

"Really? But, why is it quiet outside? Usually, the streets are busy, right?" He wondered, standing up and analyzed his surroundings. "Oh heck, the mess."

I stood up, carefully, and looked the same direction he's looking, "Nothing's new for the tenth floor occupants."

He sighed and started to clean up the mess, "Yah, helped me with this."

It took us about fifteen minutes to actually clean all of the mess up until the members woke up one-by-one.

"Good morning." Doyoung asked with his morning voice.

Haechan replied, "It's already noon, dumbass." He sassed, making Doyoung glare at him.

"Why is it quiet outside?" Jungwoo asked, opening the balcony door.

As soon as he opened it, he stepped outside and we all saw how his body reacted, "Jungwoo, a-are you okay?" Johnny worrily asked.

"G-guys, s-something h-happened!" His voice is shaking as I hurrily take a look outside.

"W-what is this?"

The cars are sprawled out the street below, some of them are burning the same as some of the buildings. Smoke can be seen coming out of it. Trashes are everywhere, tires, newspapers, debris, you name it. It was all quiet, only the sounds of the wind can be heard.

The guys came to the balcony, mouth agape open and shaking. Jungwoo started to shake and tear,

"How did it end up like this?"

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