Lamarr head-crab-cannons.

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-Lamarr really likes Barney. She's constantly pestering him and jumping on him. Barney, sadly, really doesn't feel the same. However, Lamarr still tries.

-Lamarr has been with Kleiner ever since the Black Mesa incident. She didn't really attack him, she really did want his food though...

-'Lamarr Lamarr Lamarr Lamarr Lamarr Lamarr. I love Lamarr.' Is probably all she hears out of Kleiner's mouth every time he speaks.

-She actually likes watching television with Alyx, and acts like a pet cat around her.

-Lamarr doesn't remember Gordon, however, he does frighten her when he has his crowbar in hand.

-Lamarr just sits around with Adrian and listens to him talk to her. She likes his soothing voice and it always makes her.... 'pthhhrrrrrr' around him.

-Lamarr is okay with Eli, in fact, Lamarr will sometimes jump on his leg and beg to be fed.

-Lamarr is just as scared of Dog as she is of Gordon's crowbar.

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