Dr. Coomer x Reader. (Hello, Y/n! ☁️)

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This was a request made by... HalfLifeMan

Y/n L/n, a scientist in Black Mesa, has recently been working on a project with her other co-workers. It's been a hard but exciting nine months, you were exhausted and always drinking coffee. Your co-workers are plenty of help, you just wish they'd do more...
Cup in hand, you began to put on your coat. You had one arm in one sleeve but you were so tired today...
"Hello, Y/n!" A happy and cheery voice rang through your ears. "Dr. Coomer." You greeted back. Dr. Coomer was a likable character, he was sweet, short and stocky... Very weird though. "I heard that you've been working on a project recently!" He said as he walked up to you.
He helped your other arm through the sleeve of your coat and placed his hands on your shoulders. You couldn't tell if it was because you were tired or because you had feelings for him but you blushed slightly.
"Uhh... Yeah..." You muttered under your breath. "Well, will you show me?" He asked. "Uh... yeah, ye- yeah, of course." You respond.
"Oh boy!" He clapped with joy.

You lead him to your project and he... seemed confused. Sometimes you wonder if he was ever a scientist to begin with.
"What's this?" He asked as he began touching it. You pull him away quickly. "No! Don't touch it! It might break or mess something up!" You warned, which made him embarrassed. "Whoopsies..." He winced.
You groaned softly and looked at your project. What was it? Well, it was a pair of glasses that allow you to Google anything that you see (yes, basically google glasses. This is an old game, I don't think they were invented at that time). Of course, it wasn't finished yet.
"Do you think I'd be able to help you? You do seem quite exhausted!" He said as he gave you a closed eyed smile.
"I... No, no.... I got this..." You mutter, but to be honest, you didn't know of you could handle this. You also didn't want Harold breaking anything, even though it may be an accident. He was still clumsy. "Well, alright then! I'll see you later!"

And later, he did. It was time to go home and you were even more tired than you were earlier. This concerned Harold, as he knew he should've done something about it. He decides to take the next automatic bus with you.
"Hello, Y/n!" He said in his usual cheery voice, it spooked you. You didn't know he was there. You turn your head around and wave. You were making your way to the automated bus to go home when you made a wrong step and almost fell to your possible death. You grabbed onto the floor part of the first step on the bus.
"C-Coomer! Are you still there?!" You yell out.
There was no response, but there was a physical one. Harold didn't have time to reply, he had to save you now. You were kind of slipping, but the male scientist grabbed your wrist and pulled you up into a protective hug.
"Hello, Y/n!" Was literally the only thing he had to say. "D-Dr. Coomer, I- You..." You needed time to process what happened.
"Are you alright? You almost died! Your heart must be pounding out of your chest about now!" He smiled. You were just in shock. Your breathing was still a bit shaky, but you managed to live. Then you realized that you were being held in his warm arms. He just felt so nice and fluffy. You closed your eyes once you realized you were safe. This is nice... You thought to yourself as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

Your eyes cracked open as you woke up in your bed. It was dark out, was that all a dream? You were still in your outfit. The clock read 11:32. Dr. Coomer was resting next to you. Everything seemed in order.... Except for one thing.
"Gah!" You yelp as you fall out of bed. "Why are you here?!" You ask him. Harold woke up and saw you.
"Hello, Y/n! After your near death experience, I decided to take you home while you slept in my arms! You looked quite adorable, actually!" He said. You were about to say something else but then you thought back on what he said.
What was this? "I... Dr. Coomer-" You try to manage to get some words out of your mouth as you climb back on the bed but you're too shocked.
"Come on, Y/n! Out of the workplace, you can just call me Harold!"
,Harold, while I do appreciate this... w-was there a particular reason why you stood with me?" You asked. This made him quiet for some time, but he spoke up a little bit after.
"I... Oh, don't worry about it! I promise I didn't do anything wrong!" He told you, which... obviously made you worry.
"Anyway, you probably don't want me here, I'll go if it makes you-" You interrupted him.
"No!... Uh, no... Um... Do you maybe just w-wanna... stay here...? I mean, it's dark out, I can't really have you leave. It's kind of risky." You said as you scratched the back of your head. He stood silent again before a big grin was plastered onto his face. "A sleepover! That sounds fun! We can tell secrets! Play games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System! We can-"
"Ah- H-Harold, I'd rather uh... I'd rather just... go to sleep..." You told him. "M-Maybe next time though." You stutter slightly as you lie down on the bed.
"Alright then, Y/n. I hope you have pleasant dreams!" He said as he watched you on his side.
This made you look back at him and furrow your eyebrows slightly, but now, you just couldn't care. You turn your back to him but you can still feel his eyes watching you. Did it creep you out? You don't know. One thing for sure, you'll have an awkward morning tomorrow.

The next day, you woke up and Harold wasn't laying next to you. However, his scent lingered in the bed. It smelled nice instead of something strong. You sigh as you felt... something inside your chest.
You don't know if it's sadness or something else, but it was something. You got up and got ready for the day, hoping to at least get a normal morning.
After your arrival in the facility, you saw him. Harold. You don't know what to feel now. Maybe he didn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable. Yeah, you liked Harold. A lot.
"Uh, h-hey, Dr. Coomer..." You said rather nervously. "Hello, Y/n! Did you get your needed beauty rest?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, um... Dr. Coomer, why didn't you wake me up this morning?" You ask. This made him fall silent, as he didn't seem to want to answer in his way. He wanted to tell you that you looked so cute while you slept. He thought about giving you another answer, but he just randomly blurted out.
"You looked very cute while sleeping, Y/n! Almost as cute as when you cuddled into my arms!" He mentally slapped himself as he slammed his jaw shut. Dammit... Coomer thought to himself.
While you were just in pure shock. You weren't upset, but you got really nervous. "Uh- I mean... Um... T-Thank you, Harold I... appreciate you being there for me..." You said softly.
There was a long silence in the air before you finally spoke up.
"Harold, I... There was something I really need to tell you... in private..." You mutter. He tilted his head in curiosity and spoke. "Is there something wrong?" He asked.
"What? Um... I don't know... j-just meet me there at 5 o' clock..." You told him. "Got it! 5 o' clock! I'll meet you right here!" He said. You both said your goodbyes and went off to work.

It was finally time. You had at least 6 hours to gather your courage to tell him something, anything. Just as long as it revolved around your feeling towards him. Hopefully, things won't get so... awkward.
You sigh as you walk over to the locker rooms where Dr. Coomer already was.
"Hello, Y/n! Was there something you wanted to tell me?" He asked. You sigh as you look up at the ceiling. You could feel tears of fear and embarrassment forming in your eyes.
"Harold... I... I don't know how else to put it, but.... I... I just..." You sat down on one of the benches. Harold furrowed his eyebrows in concern as he sat down with you and pat your back.
"You can tell me anything, Y/n! You know that!" He comforted.
"Harold... I just... I... wanted you to know that I... I really like you- a-and I don't know if it's because of the way you're so nice or if it's because you saved me the other day but I-" A finger was pressed against your lips and you looked over at Harold, who gazed at you with such gentle eyes. And such a sweet smile.
"Now, Y/n. I know feelings can get in the way of everything, that's probably one of the reasons why you couldn't sleep. I worry for you everyday, I couldn't even imagine what would do if you were to just... hurt yourself... Y/n... I love you too..."

"I want us to be together forever, Y/n!"

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