[2] Well, now we can't have popcorn

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The name 'Chen' was one familiar to her, she just couldn't place it.

"Chen, as in Master Chen's Noodle House?" asked Cole gleefully.

Skylor nodded cautiously, pulling out her other earbud and dropping the wired headphones into her bag. At her confirmation, the muscular boy ran over to the girl and gave her a big bear hug. Skylor's sharp intake of breath and surprise was slightly amusing. The girl obviously hadn't heard of Cole's legendary bear hugs. For someone who spent so much time eating, then working out, making mixtapes and sleeping in a constant cycle, Cole gave the best hugs in the group.

"Air," wheezed the red head. Cole dropped her to the ground, placing both hands on her shoulders with the most serious expression Nya thought he'd ever made.

"How long is the all-you-can-eat deal going on for? It's supposed to be a secret but..." he raised an eyebrow hopefully, and Chen chuckled.

"This Saturday. Whoever's the last to eat while the deal's on gets a week's worth of lunches free." Skylor tucked a strand of wine-red hair behind her ear and shook Cole's hand teasingly. "Pleasure doing business with you. I'd need something in exchange though, as well as your word that you won't tell my dad."

"You can eat lunch with us tomorrow!" offered Kai, popping up behind Cole like a Jack-In-A-Box except with ridiculously spiky hair.

Nya scoffed and crossed her arms. "Oh so tomorrow you deign it upon yourself to come sit with us at lunch."

At Skylor's confused face, she explained simply "My brother can't decide for the life of him whether he would rather hang out with the popular kids or us. So he decided to split his time and that means he doesn't eat lunch with us. Normally."

Kai rolled his eyes and stuck out his hand with a devilish smile. "Kai Smith. And the grumpy lady over there would be my sister, Nya."

"Cole Brookstone."

Jay wound his scarf around his neck with a welcoming smile, "Jay Walker."

"Zane Julien."

"Pixal Borg."

"Lloyd Garmadon." Skylor's eyebrows raised in recognition of the name, but Chen kept her mouth shut.

"Can you kids quit jabbering and just leave?" said Mrs Jatezski, already packing up her bags.

Nya laughed, hooked her arms with Pixal's and Skylor's, dragging the two girls out of the classroom.

"Did you not have a student guide to show you around the first week?" asked Pixal, brows furrowed.

Skylor snickered, pocketing her phone. "Yeah. Some girl named Harumi. She dropped me off at my first class with a Grammy-worthy smile and skipped off. Never saw her again."

Nya laughed, rolling her eyes. "I'm surprised Harumi even volunteered."

"She said something about student points?" mentioned the red head.

Pixal gasped softly in recognition of the prestigious award. "Every year, the student with a certain amount of points gets a fancy award and with that a three day trip for up to ten people to anywhere in the world. But you need a crazy amount of points to get the award, and you need perfect grades, good attendance and so many other conditions some students don't bother trying."

Nya led the two other girls out of the school, stopping by the big glass front doors. "I'll see you tomorrow Pix for the project before school, yeah?" At the girl's nod, Nya smiled. "And we'll see you at break tomorrow Skylor."

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