[39] chaos ensures but i organised it so its okay dw

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He'd been running for a long time now, and Jay generally hated running.

However, he needed to get somewhere safe - and that seemed to be at the Smith's house. Hopefully everyone else was there with a plan or something so they could get out of the city. Those people on the TV had specifically mentioned elemental masters more than once - and it seemed like they hated them. Really, really I-want-to-kill-you hate. The best solution, in Jay's opinion, was to run somewhere else.

Jay stopped outside the front door to the Smith's house and frowned. There was talking inside. He could make out Kai and Nya's voices, and then another pair. It sounded like their parents, but weren't they supposed to be away for work? You have to go in at some point, he pointed out to himself, but I could also wait here until they come out. Sure, I might starve since I haven't eaten since six thirty this morning and I really need water, and maybe a bed to sleep in-

But before Jay could continue his debate against himself, the door opened. Nya stood there, looking utterly exhausted but with a smile on her face.

"Jay!" she dragged him inside and then tossed him an instant noodle cup, pointing to the kettle boiling. "You need to eat."


"I could hear your stomach grumbling from outside," she chuckled. "And we're all starving."

"All?" He said nervously, looking around with the expectation of getting ambushed.

"Me, Kai, my dad and my mum," Nya counted on her fingers, pouring water into her own cup. "They're upstairs getting stuff so we can leave."

"Great! Where are we going?"

"I honestly don't know," she shrugged and slurped the broth from her noodles. "But I'm trying to get them to wait for the others. We need to get all the other elemental masters we know out."

"You think this attack is directed at us? It seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to."

"That, and they seemed to want to put this mysterious person on the throne. Tea?" Nya offered him a cup of steaming tea, swirling with shavings of their Amnestone supply.

He accepted it gratefully and ate hungrily between sips of tea. "I can't believe they just...killed them like that." Jay gagged slightly as he recalled the maliciousness with which the SOG assassins had slit the royal's throats. And so easily, too.

As Jay was about to ask if he could have another instant noodle cup when a shout rang out from upstairs, followed by a crash and a scream. Nya and Jay dropped their food and sprinted up the stairs, Nya leading the way to the master bedroom. The door was wide open and barely hanging off its hinges, revealing a horrifying scene before them. The big window was shattered, and Kai, Maya and Ray were fighting off four masked assailants.

"You're outnumbered," Jay announced pompously.

Nya elbowed him in the stomach and hissed, "Great, now they know we're here. We could have used the element of surprise."

"Ha! That's funny, because we're...I'll shut up." He raised his hands and threw out two experimental punches. "Prepare to get shocked by our amazing—oh and you're—"

The attackers ignored Jay and went back to trying to kill his friend and his parents. Jay looked around the room and found a vase which was empty of flowers, but had medium sized rocks weighing the base down. He picked up two and began pelting the enemy with them. They seemed mildly annoyed by it, and that was all Jay needed. A distraction, which the other three Smiths took to get behind cover.

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