[8] Jay spills the beans (not literally, though, that would be funny)

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She'd waited patiently through two classes for Jay to spill the beans.

Skylor cornered her friend after second period, arms crossed and ready to pry the information out of him. Normally, she wouldn't really care, but she just wanted to get to the bottom of this Garmadon mystery.

"Spill the beans, Walker."

"Hello to you too Skylor."

"C'mon Pegasi, just tell me so I can get this over with."

Jay raised a brow, shuffling through a stack of papers. "Caught onto the houses, have you?"

"Oh, don't be like Kai." Skylor huffed in return, not wanting to return to her previously pissed mood whenever Kai was around her

"Fine..." Jay trailed off, eyes darting around the deserted hallway they were in.

"Lloyd's not here, and if he is, he's invisible." She added in a slightly snarkier tone.

Jay looked like he sorely regretted letting slip on Lloyd's father and promising to tell her, but Skylor refused to budge.

"Okay," Jay took a deep breath.


He then shot off in direction of their lockers, denim book bag thumping against his hip. Skylor raced after him, yanked on his shoulder and held him firm.

"Jay Walker, tell me what you know or I'll get Nya to kick your kneecaps in."

Jay visibly gulped, and then straightened himself, adjusting the angle of his orange scarf with a polite cough.

"Lloyd's dad is a leader of this gang called Sons of Garmadon,"

Skylor raised an eyebrow at the name, watching the clock impatiently.

"Yeah, I know, it's a bit cocky," Jay's eyes widened and his pace picked up. "Don't let anyone know I told you that. Like I said, they're super scary and responsible for like ninety per cent of crime in Ninjago. Since Lloyd's in Serpents, I guess people think it's 'in his blood' or whatever, so no one gets too worked up about it."

She opened her mouth to inquire about the last bit of Jay's rushed speech when he interrupted her.

"Well, they don't get all mad unless Lloyd does something really bad." In a hushed voice, Jay stepped closer. "One time, he got into a fight, his dad and some gang members pulled up and guns got fired and Lloyd nearly got shot."

Her mouth formed a soft 'oh' and she felt bad about demanding to know what Lloyd's dad was all about. A guilty feeling was settling in her stomach. She didn't ask Lloyd first, when she really should have. Skylor sighed, thanked Jay and then headed to break with the feeling in her stomach weighing her down like lead.

At lunch, now that she'd been given the run down on the houses, she was considerably more excited to find out what house she was going to be in. It seemed like most of the friendship group was spread across the four houses. Lloyd did seem a bit lonely in Serpents though, all on his own with Harumi. She didn't think she was smart enough for Sphinxes, so that left Pegasi and Dragons. Jay and Cole were pretty cool, Kai was a jerk, and Nya was one of her best friends.

"Come in Miss Chen,"

She opened the door and sat down in the chair before Principal Wu. His desk was extremely organised, the stack of papers all in line, pens and pencils in the cup holder, his laptop with his phone stacked on top, and his golden plaque inscribed with Principal Wu.G, free of dust.

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