[30] a packet of (censored) skittles?

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"Brit, I'm sorry, my sister got my phone and sent that message, it wasn't me."

"You didn't send—you didn't send iorgnvosniow?" his girlfriend hysterically gasped.

How did she even say that—

"No, I didn't. Do you not have siblings?" That was how well he knew her.

"I don't, Kai, I told you already!" She did? he thought, bewildered as he kicked the lawnmower into start. The loud thrumming gave him an excellent excuse to say, "What was that? Sorry, I think someone is moving their lawn. Bye babe!"



"Are there any other girls you're staying with?" Brittney asked sharply.

"Uh my sister. Zane's girlfriend." he mumbled, staring at the sun blearily.

"No one else?"

"No-pe." he replied cheerily, popping the 'p'. "Gotta go!"

He considered tossing his phone into the path of the lawnmower for extra effect, then decided against it and stripped off his Dragons jacket. It was getting hotter later in the afternoon, and he'd rather get the grass done and over with before the sun started boiling him alive. He made quick work of the field, back-breaking work because of the century old mower he had to push around.

Kai walked through the monastery side gate, making sure it was locked behind him as Master Wu had strictly instructed. Also because they didn't want Ryu escaping. Kai snorted to himself, still unsure of how Nya hadn't strangled him for bringing their puppy with them, but he'd planned it out. Sort of. Kinda not planned at all, but the gesture was heartwarming.

Not to mention the damn puppy could guilt you into murder with his big eyes. He walked through the corridor he and the boys were planning to claim. Five rooms in each corridor, so they could all have their own. Poking his head inside the one furthest from the main living room he wordlessly claimed it as his. It was the smallest, shaped in an odd rectangle but it offered more privacy. The mattress was in a simple bed frame, a threadbare rug that had been salvaged by Skylor and Lloyd from the storage room, a desk with a matching chair and the final piece of the furniture set, a dresser.

The bed was pushed into the furthest back corner to his left, the dresser opposite the foot of the bed. The desk was on the same wall as the dresser, and that was pretty much it. The striped rug was faded and had tassels that looked like they were about to fall off. He retrieved his bag from the pile at the front gate and half-heartedly put all his belongings away to avoid the incessant pinging of his phone, which, probably was from Brittney.

He slumped onto his bed and looked from his phone to the Archive of Fire. Brittney or my history?

"brittney.del sent you a voice message." announced his phone pompously.

History it was.

Kai had never been one for reading. Too much of a hassle when he could copy off one of his smarter friends, or attempt to charm his way out of an F. But the Archive of Fire was almost yelling at him to open and read, so he obeyed, flipping to the very first entry.

Archive of Fire, Entry One, Calla

Hello whoever is reading this now. I imagine that you are incredibly confused as to why your hair is on fire right now.

He dropped the book like a hot potato and ran to the closest mirror, a garbled sound escaping his throat as the tips of his perfectly coiffed hair were spiralling smoke because it was on fire. Dashing to the bathroom, Kai smothered water over his hair angrily, waiting for the flames to extinguish before stomping back to the stupid book.

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