[35] haha muder mystery go brrr

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She let another arrow fly, and watched silently as it pierced through the lower area of the human paper target. Without looking, her hands nimbly switched the normal bow over to a crossbow and then loaded it in its new form. The twang of release was strangely calming, and her muscles yelled in protest as she cocked the bow again, lining up the shot instinctively and following through.

"It's three in the morning, Rea." Cassie said gently from behind her. Ignoring it, Astra packed away her long range equipment and got out the training dummy and a practice katana. "Sleep seems like a good idea."

"I can't sleep." she finally said, slashing across the chest of the dummy.

"Maybe some warm milk and cookies?" her sister suggested, half teasingly.

"No, like I can't sleep." Astra paused to look at Cassie. "At all, like I'm an insomniac or something."

Cassie stared at her strangely, sighed, and then said "Follow me. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

So that was how Astra followed her sister through the maze of corridors to another shop-like room, the counter out front with barstools jutting out from the wall, and a small gate that led behind the counter and to the back room. A girl lounging on a high chair behind the counter quickly fumbled to sit properly, flashing the sisters bright smiles.

"Cass! And...Astra, right?"

"How do you know my name?"

Cassie hit her on the shoulder. "This is Maya, my girlfriend."

Her eyebrows rose a little. "You're queer?"

"I'm bi," Cassie clarified.

Astra nodded. "Not surprised, to be honest."

Cassie opened her mouth at that, but Maya interrupted the silent spluttering with a question of her own. Astra's gaze left the cuffed ends of Cassie's pants and her boots and back to the conversation.

"So you're looking for a comm?"

"A what now?"

Maya laughed lightly and pressed a button behind the counter, popping open the release mechanism for the side gate. "Follow me."

Astra obeyed and walked into the back room, surprised as the drab outer facing had nothing on the inside. The room was stuffed chock full of technology of every kind. One of the walls was completely covered with huge computer screens, a floating desk running along the length of the wall with keyboard and mouses. The other two walls held cabinets, one with glass see through cabinets, the others secured with locks and metal. Maya stepped forward to the sleek black metal cabinets, searching the little labels and unlocked one of cubbies with the name 'Reaper' pressed over the rung in silver.

Maya tugged it open and pulled out a black device mirror to the ones clipped onto Troya and her belts. Then one of the monitors, on the half which wasn't a live map of Ninjago City, lit up. She worked quickly at the keyboard, and Cassie stood behind her, whispering hurriedly. Maya laughed and pushed Cassie away. After a few minutes, Maya had it hooked up to a series of systems and then handed the device to Astra, gesturing the uniform utility belt strapped to her waist.

"Your comm will be essential in battle. It's untraceable, can hook onto your ear or be connected to your bike amongst a ton of other things. I've been working at the tech department here for almost two years and everything you need is here."

Astra's brain registered all of this but focused on one enticing part. "My...bike?"

Cassie groaned. "You spoiled it Mays."

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