[17] Don't steal Nya's oreos - Kai Smith (MIA, last seen with Nya Smith)

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After practice, a car had managed to splash water on him as it zoomed past blasting music so loud his dead grandpa could probably hear it. Jokes, he didn't know who his grandfather was. His parents barely talked about their parents, and Kai had never found reason to ask.

Drenched to the bone, and shivering in the late evening chill, Kai entered his house with a foul grin and temper to match. He wanted to eat enough to put him into a food coma. Things only worsened when he found Nya scurrying about the place like a chipmunk preparing for winter, (chipmunks did that, right? He'd only watched Alvin and the Chipmunks, all of them, of course) and when she yelled at him to stop dripping on the carpet, he'd simply asked why.

Too tired and too wet to argue with his sister, he stepped off the rug and waited for her reply.

"Mum and dad are coming home this weekend — I can't believe I forgot!"

"They're coming home on Saturday?"

Nya cocked her head and paused from scrubbing at a cheese stain on the counter. "They didn't tell you?"


She frowned, and Kai did the same. Did they forget to tell him?

They're very busy people, he admitted to himself. But you're their kid! They should be taking better care of you, not gallivanting around the globe to do accounting work.

Nya sensed his thinking and handed him a chocolate spread biscuit. He nibbled on the biscuit, hunger dissipated and replaced with worry.

"I heard they weren't coming back last week, I just thought..."

"Yeah." Nya said simply. Then she ducked into the pantry, rummaging around in the dark until her muffled voice lowered to a threatening tone. "Kai. Where are my Oreos?"

His eyes flicked up to where his room was on an upper floor.

"I dunno."

"Liar." Nya said accusingly.

"Nuh-uh." He held his hands up in mock surrender.

Nya's hand reached for the knives on the counter.

"That time of the month?" he tried weakly, already backing out of the kitchen. Kai regretted it instantly when Nya left the knife and cracked her knuckles.

"Never ask a lady that." she said, raising a brow. "Run."



He did exactly that.


He did not have a great selection of swimwear at home.

But he was unwilling to splurge money on something he'd probably wear once, so, tropical flower swim shorts it was.

His bag was packed with sunblock, a towel, spare hot-pink swim shorts (the only other pair he owned, in case of an accident), a book, his phone and some money. He'd done his homework in his free period so he and Pixal would have the whole afternoon at the waterpark to themselves.

"Zane?" His dad toppled out of the basement, the door swinging wildly and his glasses set crooked on his nose. "Where's Evan?"

"You don't know where he is?" Zane asked in a level tone, worry for Evan flaring up.

His father flapped his arms about, nearly knocking a vase off a table when Zane leapt forwards with cat-like reflexes and saved it. "I don't know! I've never had to take care of a droi—kid before!"

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