[31] tea is never just tea kai, you stupid mf

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"Don't be stupid! Go right go right go right rightrightright!"

"I'm going right!" he yelled back, hunched over his controller with his eyes blazing madly. "Jay, get out of my way!"

"Try again green bean!" Jay whooped back triumphantly, bumping Lloyd's car out of the way and zooming to the finish line.

"NO!" he whined, throwing down the controller in a fit of rage. "Jay cheated, Nya!"

"No, Jay's just got talent." smirked Jay cockily.

Lloyd threw himself over the edge of the couch and landed on the beanbags with a dramatic moan of pain.

"I'll never drive again! I'll be like Doc from the Cars movie and hide in a small town until one day, when I'll take on a worthy protégé—"

"Tea time!" announced Pixal cheerily, walking in with eight teacups of steaming tea on a tray.

Lloyd rolled onto his back and leapt to his feet, reaching for the tea and then reclaimed his spot on the floor, relishing in the warmth and clarity the tea brought as everything around him was muffled. He let out a relaxed sigh, watching as Skylor asked Zane to chill her tea. Zane responded, concentrating hard, but only produced a spark of ice before it fizzled out.

"I apologise," frowned the android. "My powers have not been working effectively recently."

"Neither have mine," Kai admitted, throwing his hand out expectantly. "See? No fire at all."

Cole jumped around the room like a hyper bunny and gestured wildly at the floor. "No rocks either."

Everyone looked to Jay, who was hogging the plate of butter cookies.

"What? Nothing for me, I just get electrocuted less when I touch anything." he mumbled through a mouthful of cookies. Lloyd snatched one off the plate and scrambled back to his place with a quick glance to Pixal and Skylor. AKA, the 'no-power-signs-or-really-no-power-at-all' gang. Apart from the strange day when his father had shown up, nothing else had happened.

"I fear it is the work of my brother."

"Uncle Wu? How'd you get in here—" Lloyd choked on his cookie, looking up at his uncle starting at him from above. Wu silenced him with an authoritative glare.

"My brother, as you know, is the leader of the infamous Sons of Garmadon gang that runs havoc in our city's streets." He paused there as if to check if everyone knew who Garmadon was. Of course they did, but it was just plain awkward having his brother and son in the same room. "I've received word that he's received a 'top secret weapon', which I infer as another elemental master."

"Who?" everyone blurted immediately. Wu shook his head.

"Who is an entirely different question. Why would be a better query, for my brother has never been one with good intentions. He is ruthless, and merciless." Wu gave Lloyd an apologetic look which he ignored. The thing about having a criminal lord as your father was that it was incredibly easy to pretend that he was anything but. "He's been sitting in the dirty streets of power now, and he, undeniably, wants more."

"More as in?"

"More as in Emperor."

Lloyd started wheezing and rolled off bean bug clutching at his stomach. "No way, sorry Wu, but you're obviously deluded."

"I am not deluded, Lloyd. My brother stops for nothing and he grows impatient on a throne that does not fit him anymore. Lord Garmadon will rise and he is—" Wu's voice caught there. "My brother possesses the element of Destruction. He knows nothing but it and I have experienced his wrath."

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