[19] Hydra-Blast? I think you mean we-are-having-a-blast

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Wringing out the wet towel from sport earlier that day, Nya flung it over the drying lines and dusted off her hands.

"Kai!" She yelled from the garden, knowing he could hear her. "We're leaving for the water park in fifteen minutes!"

"OKAY!" came the muffled, but loud reply from somewhere in the gigantic house.

Then she hung her swimsuit out to dry. Memories of when she was younger and taking proper swimming lessons - when her parents were there to take her, flooded Nya's brain at the mere thought of swimming. She'd enjoyed it as a kid a lot, her coach even thought that she could go professional in the future.

It would have been hard to tell at such a young age, but Nya remembered shooting through the water, her strokes powerfully cutting through the water. Always faster than all of the other kids, it was like her hands could control the water and use it to her advantage.Apparently her mother had been somewhat of a swimmer in her younger years too.

However, the responsibility of basically living alone and being the more mature sibling took over, and now she only swam when required in classes. Fingering the suit, she left it with a sigh to get her spare to prepare for the water park. Fifteen minutes later, Nya and Kai were on the bus, swimmers under their clothes. Jay in a panic was not uncommon, but Zane's urgent tone made it sound worse than normal.

Now, Nya didn't know why she could calm Jay down so easily - and she didn't know why Jay could calm her down just as effortlessly, but after the whole Chad drama, she really could have used his comforting presence. But Jay seemed to be avoiding her, and a frown graced her lips as she got off. There was no reason why Jay would be mad at her, right?

"Hydra-Blast," she said to Kai, dragging him over to the ride so he would stop flirting with the water park attendant batting her very fake and very long eyelashes at him.

They eventually got to the bottom of the line, holding only their towels to deposit in the temporary lockers at the bottom of the ride. Their more important stuff was in the big lockers near the middle for central use, number code locked. Zane, a smaller Zane, Pixal, Lloyd, Cole and Jay were standing together, all quite wet from the Hydra-Blast. Jay stood slightly apart from the others, wringing his wrists in his usual nervous display, checking his phone every five seconds.

Nya waved to Cole and the others with a smile, then crossed over to Jay, flicking at the loose ends of her braided bracelet.

"Hey Jay."

"Oh. Hi Nya."

He sounded so excited to see her.

"Zane called me and said you were getting sued by Fritz Donnegan?" she raised a brow, hoping the joke would lighten the mood.

His freckled cheeks spread with his grin. "Not exactly the case, but it is possible."

Nya laughed, flicking a loose strand of hair out of her eyes. "What's the problem?"

"Well, I was home yesterday watching—"

" Fritz Donnegan; Adventure to Joskor—" Nya interrupted with another grin. Jay punched her good naturedly and continued.

"George broke, then Ma told me we had a new client. I walked outside and boom! The Bullet is sitting in my front yard! And I wanted to take a few videos to show off, but then my dad said they'd signed this contract, blah blah blah, so I couldn't film it, but I snuck out through my roof later that night and took a video, just for fun, and I get here and find out I've somehow posted it!" Jay said this all in one very big breath, a talent few had.

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