Siblings Bonding Session

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Septuplets Au but Tanah, Air and Daun are girls.

Seven pair of eyes glanced at each other. Around a circle, everyone looked at each other with smirks, grins and smiles. In the middle, laid a bottle. Game night was starting.

It was common for the septuplets to have a game night. If not everyday then three times a week. Also, hauling a furious Petir, a freaking scientist Cahaya and a sleepy Air to join them was hard. Now that everyone was there, they had to play it to the fullest.

Tonight, they chose Truth or Dare.

Tanah drummed her fingers, eyeing everyone. "So, who wants to go first?"

"Me!" Api's hand shot up. He quickly reached the bottle and with a wicked grin, he spun the bottle fast.

It landed on Air.

Air gave a sharp look and muttered, "Truth."

"Aw, no fair!" Api pouted, whining.

Air rolled her eyes. She lazily plopped her head on Tanah's lap who was sitting besides her. "I'm not stupid. I know you will make me do something embarrassing. Better save my dignity with a safe option."

"You have a dignity?"

Air ignored Angin's question while Api just pouted. He sighed and try thinking up a good question. "How do you focus in class even though you're sleeping?"

"I still listened to what the teachers are teaching. And for your information, I do my revisions." She answered calmly, a soft yawn escape from her lips. "We have a thing called homework."

Cahaya facepalmed. "Ice Queen, you can literally make yourself join class A with me and Tanah."

"Too bothersome. I want peace and Petir is a good classmate. He never bothers me."

"Except during group studies." Petir muttered, rolling his eyes. "Surprise you managed to answer all the questions correctly when a teacher asked. I'm impressed."

Air didn't acknowledge the sarcasm in Petir's voice. She yawned and got up. Continuing the game, she spun the bottle and it pointed at Daun.

Daun grinned. "Dare!"

"I dare you to kiss the person you like the most here." Air stated, pausing. "On the cheek. Cheeks."

Daun hummed. Her eyes glanced on a figure and she smiled. With a swift move, she tackled the person and kissed their cheek. Just a soft peck.

Cahaya blushed. Daun still playfully hugged him and giggled. "Cahaya is the best!" She beamed, ruffling her little brother's hair. Cahaya coughed and he was lost at words.

The scene was too cute and Tanah already managed to sneak a picture on her phone. She could die peacefully from her siblings' cuteness.

Angin and Api on the other hand pouted. "I thought we were teammates...where's the Troublemaker Trio?" They fake a hurt expression with their hands on their chest, making it look like the hearts broke.

Daun stuck her tongue out. She let go of Cahaya and giggled. "Sorry my handsome brothers~ I can only choose one."

She grasped the bottle and spun it around. This time it pointed at Petir.


Daun put a finger at her lips, her eyes looking up to think of a dare. With a smile, she looked at the edge lord. "I dare you to hug the person you're most annoyed with!"

Petir wanted to glare at Daun but her innocent puppy eyes was suffocating him. Also, he noticed Tanah giving him the 'if-you-break-Daun's-heart-I-will-kill-you' look. Don't believe her sweet smile. It contains murder warning.

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