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Gempa blinked flatly, his eyes scanning at the six toddlers figure in front him. A minute passed and a sigh escaped his mouth.

"...I don't get paid enough for this..."

What a beautiful way to start the day by Gempa witnessing his six brothers as toddlers who were crying on the floor with their oversized clothes. He noticed some empty flasks near them and he could only conclude one thing:

It was another of Solar's failed experiments.

Well, he wasn't surprised. The last time Solar's experiments created a ruckus was when he accidentally made Thorn and Blaze became small. So small that they could left them with their fingers. Gempa already had a bad feeling when he heard some yelling while making breakfast.

He didn't have ideas on what to do now.

Sighing, he walked to them and picked up the empty flasks, carefully putting it on the table. Then, he turned to his baby brothers and quickly took Thorn first who was crying really loudly. The others have calmed down and Ais was the calmest, already sleeping.

Gempa pat Thorn gently as he carried him in his arms. He smiled softly. "It's okay, Thorn. Don't cry. Hey, Thorn's a good boy right? You're okay."

It was either instincts or feelings but Thorn quickly calmed down as he heard Gempa's voices. Gempa's patting him was soothing that it made Thorn blinked and giggled, hugging Gempa in the process.


Gempa's eye twitched. He groaned. Even as a baby, Thorn still called him Mama. He sighed as he gently hugged Thorn and eyeing the rest of his baby brothers. He didn't know why but he felt all his brothers were looking at him with their eyes sparkling.

Mother instincts hit him hard.

The first thing he did was taking all his brothers in his room. He called Yaya and Ying to tell them about the situation about the baby problems. He thought since they were girls, they probably know more on how to handle this situation. He also informed Ochobot, Fang and Gopal for extra help to undo the situation.

Yaya and Ying practically squealed at the cuteness of the elemental babies. Yaya couldn't stop tickling Taufan and Thorn while Ying eyed Blaze who was poking Ais sleepy cheeks. Halilintar and Solar were hugging Gempa's legs, refusing to let go. Fang quickly took a picture of them for blackmail material as he smirked evilly. Gempa gave a blank look in return.

After analyzing the situation, Yaya and Ying managed to find some baby clothes suited from them. Imagine five teenagers and a robot trying to take care of six deadly babies that have superpowers. Yes, unfortunately they managed to use their powers and it was deadly considering these babies don't know a thing.

Halilintar and Solar were the most dangerous when Halilintar accidentally threw lightning blades at Gopal while Solar accidentally shoot Fang with his optical shot.

Needless to say, Gopal and Fang voted to back out from the situation. It earned a glare from Yaya and Ying.

Ochobot sighed when they all managed to get the babies calmed down as Gempa rocked Taufan, Halilintar and Blaze to sleep in the cradle. His other brothers have fallen asleep fast which made him sighed in relief.

"Never knew that these six would be so cute as babies!" Yaya squealed, looking at them in adoration. Ying nodded in agreement as she giggled at baby Halilintar who was hugging baby Taufan as they slept soundly.

"Yeah, cute and deadly." Gopal uttered. "I can still feel the stung from Halilintar's powers."

Fang scowled. "Solar's attack was hurtful. This dude is just a baby yet his shot managed to make me black out."

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