Let Him Rest

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The stars were always beautiful, no matter what, it lit the dark sky above with the moon being the most lovely thing out there.

Usually, this night time could always make the cheerful windy guy happy. However, all he felt was the silence dread in his heart as his eyes gaze at the sky above. He could feel the soft breeze hitting his cheeks yet he still didn't feel anything.


He didn't turn around. He knew the owner of the voice. Still, he formed a small smile on his lips.

The person frowned and sighed. He raked his unkempt hair with his bare hands, pursing his lips. He slowly walked towards the wind manipulator and sat down besides him, admiring the night scenery around them.

Taufan took a peak. He sighed. "Why aren't you sleeping yet, Hali?"

"Because you're not sleeping."

Taufan kept quiet and silence surrounded them once again. Halilintar scowled, his eyes never left from the night scenery around them. He wished he could be like the stars, shining brightly. Maybe his worries and sadness would disappear too.

So he could forget the pain.

He knew why Taufan was still up at this hour. It wasn't the first for Taufan to do this again. He just didn't want Taufan to do something.

Something that may lead to another demise.

Halilintar clenched his fists hard before he stretched his hand, softly putting on Taufan's head that was covered with his blue white cap. With a gentle touch, he gave a pat.

"Taufan, he'll be sad seeing us like this...he didn't want this to happen."

Taufan couldn't take it anymore. He finally broke his facade and tears were morphed through his eyes. A sob choked out and he finally let them fell silently as he grieved in.

Halilintar wasn't known to be someone who show warm and comfort to someone easily. But for Taufan who he has spend his entire life with, he easily pulled him in a hug and silently let his tears fell too.

"We'll always be together!"

"...He's always good at lying, right Hali?" Taufan laughed, trying to stop himself from crying but his tears still damped his cheeks.

"What do you mean? I love you two! There's no way I'll leave you guys!"

Halilintar grunted, trying to steady himself. "The fact he never prioritize himself first, always thinking of others before him...I really want to punch his face."

"Hali, Taufan!" He smiled, lifting his hands up and showing a piece of paper. "I drew the three of us! Look, you two are my heroes and the best big brothers ever!"

"He cares for everyone...he cares for us too." Taufan sighed, hugging Halilintar tightly. He trembled slightly as he gave a sad smile. "Have we ever did something in return for him?"

"What I want?" He paused, putting a finger under his chin on thinking of something. "Hm, I don't want anything. Having you two in life are enough for me!"

Halilintar shrugged, he smiled. At least both of them were finally calmed and their tears had stopped falling. He gaze at the stars above that witnessed their sadness just now. He couldn't help on thinking, if the person they were talking is out there watching them.

Would he be happy right now?

"He never say anything." Halilintar stated, pausing. "We always create troubles for him, school and work. He never complains."

He sighed tiredly yet he still smiled softly. "Alright, enough fighting. Hey, how about I make your favorite food for dinner? Ah, but go wash yourself first. You two looked really funny right now!"

Taufan chuckled, letting go of Halilintar. He took of his cap, glancing at it. The cap was the symbolized of them. They bought matching caps to show their close bond to everyone and also to show their identification as themselves despite they have the same faces.

He clutched his cap, silently laughing. "I wish I listened to him for once...maybe at least I would do something for him."

"I'm okay." He looked away, sighing. "Just some pressure from school. I'm okay."

"You'll still will cause trouble again." Halilintar rolled his eyes. He pursed his lips and sighed. "Taufan, it's time we accept reality."

"...I hate you..."

"...Didn't we accept it days ago?" Taufan said softly, his voice sounded in a whisper but it was hearable in Halilintar's ears.

Halilintar held Taufan's hand, forcing the wind manipulator to look at him. Navy blue eyes met scarlet red eyes. Many emotions were flickered in the eyes as they stared at each other.

"He's happy out there." Halilintar said softly, gripping Taufan's hand tightly. "It's time to let him rest peacefully without us mourning every day."

"I'm sorry..."

Taufan's eyes watered again. He chuckled lightly. "It's hard, Hali...it's hard. He's our little brother. I used to be a big brother." He looked away. "Now, I will never hear him calling me big brother again."

"Big brother Hali, big brother Taufan..." He smiled sadly at them. He choked out blood from his mouth. "Don't cry...I love you two. Sorry for not staying by your side longer."

"He said we can't be sad for him." Taufan looked up as Halilintar smiled. "Let's do our part. We have to continue with our lives. It's hard...I still have those nightmares of him. But, we'll make through it."

Taufan gripped Halilintar's hand, smiling. "Time to let him rest?"

Halilintar nodded.

"If afterlife existed...let's meet again."

It was hard. To accept the reality of the world. The fact that their youngest brother weren't with them anymore. They still wanted him with them, laughing and getting angry at them for fighting every time.

Now, they had to let him rest. It was time to accept that he is gone and will never come back to them.

Let him finally rest peacefully.


Gempa smiled softly. He sat closely to Taufan and Halilintar who were watching the stars and the moon. It was beautiful, Gempa really loved watching it with them.

Yet, he could never be with them.

He stretched out his hands, gently patting their heads. He knew they can't see him. It was heartbreaking yet he accepted his fate. He was still with them because his heart was not ready to leave yet.

But now, he was ready. His two loving big brothers finally were back again. Now, he could leave peacefully.

As his body fade and shined brightly, he smiled at their silhouettes from behind.

"I love you two. Thank you for everything."

Maybe his voice reached them. Because the moment he said those words, they both turned around. Taufan blinked and Halilintar rubbed his eye, confused.

Gempa laughed, shaking his head. He wasn't there anymore but he's waiting for them. He didn't mind waiting for them long if he needs to. He will wait for the day when he will reunite with his brothers again.

Because like he said, "We will always be together!"

Angst and Fluff? I never did any angst yet here so I tried.
I love Original Trio <3

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